Getting ready to harvest the BUDS!!!


Well-Known Member
The wait is coming to an end, I'm just outside a week til harvest and they are sticky and sweet smelling, How do you think they look as far as harvesting? the pistols are really getting red/browner by the day I dont want to wait too long but i dont want to jump the gum either.?
Do they look ready?



Well-Known Member
weeks? I'm not doubting you at all but ive had these flowering for about 9 weeks. they were really slow and i have other plants ready to start budding but I think your right the hairs need to be alot browner huh?


Active Member
9 weeks? Looks more like 4 weeks. You have to wait longer-check the trichs with a microscope. When they are cloudy and 70% of hairs are turned, it's harvest time


Well-Known Member
I agree with the others littleherb.
It is ultimately up to you though.
What lights are you using?
The light may give reason to explain long flowerering stage.
The nine weeks is that from 12/12 start or from sexing.
Nice pics


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks guy's i'll keep it going. but if you doubt the length of time they have been going you can look back to my first post's theyre just slow i guess I'll wait til theyre 70% brown and put up some more pics.
Thanks again


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Looking good Herb.You say these are 9 weeks flower or 9 weeks from start?Just curious I forgot if its 9 weeks flower they are slow.I usually figure 6-10 weeks flower depending on the strain.Ok good going going to check ya new aero grow.Im about to build a littl 6 plant aero tub similar to what you got so I can start some new strains moms.Gonna do 3 or 4 kinds.Definatly the indica I have in the big aero then some Blueberry and Sweet purple maybe a master kuch x kc33 gonna mix it up some get me a little buffet lol


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen the white hairs/ red hairs do not matter. I have one plant with a ton of red hairs with some clear, some cloudy trichs, but I have another that has almost all white hairs and some of the Trichs are turning Amber. Go to Radio shack and buy one of thier 60X-100_ microscopes for $10 USD. this thing works GREAT, you can look right down inside your buds.


Well-Known Member
Do not go by the pistils or hair. On my plants, the hairs are close to about 3/4 reddish brown but when I examined the trichomes, they are still clear, indicating the plant isn't at it's fullest maturity point. Your pistils could have changed color for several reasons (too much nutes, too much light, genetics, etc.), not just maturity of the plant. Go to Radio Shack and buy their $10 microscope and start checking your trichs. Good luck and btw, nice looking plants, it would be a shame to harvest too early and get a weak buzz as reward for all your patience and hard work.


Well-Known Member
Okay now what am i looking for on the tri's ? cloudy not clear bubble sacks right? I'll check that out right away and thanks for the help guy's it is my first grow so i want to make sure they do well.


Well-Known Member
MOstly cloudy and about 5-10 in the scope amber is when they come down for me.
Yo im mad high but your buds look uniquely good right now im not a good person to ask but anyway what country do you live in that the cops havent come by yet? i mean serisouly that plant is not hard to miss lol but man they look great be sure to send me a sample would love to try it!