Getting seeds


im having trouble figuring out a way to discretely acquire seeds from online. does anyone have any suggestions or ways they have bought/received your seeds.


Well-Known Member
It is perhaps not a good idea to divulge the stealth methods that seed suppliers use - cops and your American DEA do come in this forum to see what they can learn.
Be discreet, guys and gals.
maybe get someone else to buy them who doesnt grow for you ? or use a porta-power to lever off shop back door do a quick raid of stock using a Big Black plastic bin lol


Active Member
It is perhaps not a good idea to divulge the stealth methods that seed suppliers use - cops and your American DEA do come in this forum to see what they can learn.
Be discreet, guys and gals.
no doubt no sense makin it easy for the cops


Well-Known Member

I'm glad the coppers have neither the brains nor the budget to order a pack of seeds from each company, to discover their stealth methods for themselves while gathering a prosecutorial piece of evidence.

Seed companies operate because LEO does not care enough to shut them down. Any decent drug detachments knows most of the people who've sold a joint in their area, even have evidence on most of them to do an arrest if they wanted. Don't let anyone know what you are doing, friends or family.

There are some great seed companies. Avoid companies from the US because of the increased LEO interest. I like British (and other eruo) companies but Canada has a few good ones as well.


A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***
I've been seeing alot of threads on How do I place an order?
Do I use my Real Name?
Who should I ship to and can I use a fake address?

Well by demand I'll throw out a good method.(For use with US and other contraband Countries)

First you need to find a reputable Seedbank.. This ? is asked too much but is one I'm always happy to answer.

I'll throw out some one's for ya'll to go look at. I've never had problems with these sites. But still look around and judge for yourself on the following.

Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices
The Attitude Cannabis Seeds Marijuana Seeds
Buy Marijuana Seeds and cannabis seeds from Holland - high quality marijuana seeds (cannabis seeds)
Ministry of Cannabis - Cannabis Seeds
Dr Chronics Cannabis seeds bank

Next is whatever seedbank you choose set a limit on how much to spend per order. Mines never goes over 150 in one order, I had to spilt my recent order up. Doesn't tho matter 20 free more seeds for me.

Remember all the seedbanks are out of the country and might and could just take $ and say fuck it.
Hence I warn big orders from any seedbank is risky business.

Cash and Money orders not on my top list to be ordering seeds. Now money orders can be traced when done right etc.
You really cant do shit if the seedbank says "oh we didn't receive payment" and you just out back.

Now debit and credit cards are another story.. The merchant gets paid within the hour no problem, and can't say oh we didnt get it.
This is probably the fastest way of paying for seeds.
Don't think for a second that the charge will say "Mj Purchase" the merchants use a code named merchant kinda like porn.
Please don't feel scared to use a card to pay for them.
I don't know why the AM Ex cards aren't working overseas now, but if you like to take precautions then just get the prepaid visa but make sure it can be used outside the States.
Now if you decide to spent like $300+ on one order be careful please real talk.

You have a couple options on this;
One you can use your real name..
Do I? No I use a good ole normal name like James Bank etc. I just dont like shit like that coming in my name.
Please don't go crazy and use some crazy name... Use something like the HS jocks name or some teller at the banks name. A common name.

Now if you have the option of shipping to a friends house do so if you want to be on the extra safe side. I have and had no problems yet.

Don't order like 80 seeds in one order break it down like 20 per order.
Less chance of losing more $ if seized. I know you want to stock up and might not have to order for a while..
Yea shipping might be more but isnt that something you are willing to pay for a better chance of getting them?

Now I've been hearing alot of can I ship to my neighbors? My answer is NO.
If the neighbor saw you in their mail thats a felony all they have to say is you opened their mail.
Dont be scared to ship to ya crib.

Shipping Times;
The seedbanks I order from say about 7-30days or so to the States.
I hear this 3day to the west coast, but never seen it.
The quickest I've ever gotten seeds in Michigan and Georgia is 6days min, but 7-8 is more like it for me.
The latest I had a seed order come was a lil over a month but came so I was happy. Heated but glad they came.
So if you US start looking for the package about 3-5 days after it ships but expect about 7 if no problems arise.
This is the hardest part if impatient.

All out of country items through the post go thru customs...
Now there is a chance your order might be opened.. or just passed right along.
I had recently had my WW from the doc opened and wasn't seized keet moving. Only ten seeds. Customs never even touched the seed because the way it was packaged it was undisturbed the breeder pack was bent tho. So now do you want to have your order opened with 50seeds or 10 seeds?

If seized you get a letter from customs saying that a package mailed to you had contraband in it and if you wanted them back come get them or will be destroyed.
Like the seeds, destroy the letter and keep it moving.
If you never see a letter then theres hope but after a certain time either the package was lost(which happens) or never sent at all.

Now the repercussions of ordering seeds is noting... unless you ordered like 200seeds which I doubt you will do anyway right?.
People on here said Homeland came to their house over some seeds, doubt it. They got better shit to do.

I've personally never had my seeds lost or seized so its a good sign that small orders are best

Next thing after ordering in my opinion is to spark up a Blunt/Bowl/Bong/Can w/e your smoking tool is and get high as a bitch to take your mind off of it.
You can't worry.. That will kill you.

Hope this helps you Dk and others who ask this ? alot.
So be easy and spark that blunt and dont worry, spark it for Mane






Well-Known Member
I've had good experience with Nirvana, very quick and stealthy. I believe they concealed the seeds in a tin of liquorish candy, It also came with a note that was in Dutch so I just threw it away.


Active Member
I would warn anyone who would consider using their personal credit card NOT TO DO THIS FOR MANY, MANY REASONS. CC theft is RAMPANT in the EU and should NEVER be attempted.

1. Go somewhere that sells prepaid credit cards that are usable outside of the US. Many check exchange or pawn shops can issue one to you for just a few dollars over the prepaid amount. Use it quickly as monthly charges vary and will quickly eat up the prepaid amount. Hint, Wal-Mart cc aren’t usable outside of the US.

2. Go online to Nirvana, Attitude or any of the other highly rated sites listed in this thread. Hint, the ones that are sponsors of this site are also some of the best.

3. Order what you want. Hint, order smaller amounts instead of 1 big bunch of seeds in case of lost mail. I say lost mail because that is the biggest reason for a missing package.

4. Relax and know that in most of the US, cops don’t care about seeds. In many places, seeds aren’t even illegal to buy or own. Go to the NORML website and check your areas laws. Some areas do have a specific maximum number of seeds a person can legally own.

If you’re worried that the cops will somehow know you have bought seeds and will come and break down your door to do a search, they won’t. But if you’re concerned, just store the seeds in a cool dry area for a while, until you think it’s safe.

Bottom line, cops don’t care about seeds, the biggest concern should be theft of your cc. HTH, S

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I would go with Nirvana. I have always gotten my seeds in the US from them and they are good seeds! 100% germination for me. I am currently growing their Northern lights fem, check it out in my signature. Oh and they have low prices on their seeds also. Highly recomended!


Well-Known Member
I would warn anyone who would consider using their personal credit card NOT TO DO THIS FOR MANY, MANY REASONS. CC theft is RAMPANT in the EU and should NEVER be attempted.
I don´t think credit card fraud is any more rampant in the EU than the US or anywhere else.

I am ALWAYS using my credit card online with no problems whatever - TOUCH WOOD !!!!