Getting the most out of a mother


Well-Known Member
Yo rollers, so Im 3 months into my very first grow and now have some forks in the road to maneuver. Im moving out of my stealth rental before June 1st and was hoping to continue these 4 mothers when i move. These 4 mothers came from 14 blue dream seeds str8 from a cali grower i worked for over the summer and are dearly precious to me(they made it past mountains deserts and a border patrol inspection! across the country in my car you have no idea). I got some more 10-20 seeds for the next move, so no worries if i need to start fresh for stealth(pack everything up(no plants?) or hide a few plants?). Im thinking of making about 5 clones of each (making sure they root b4 flowering) to continue the genetics as the new smaller moms and then flower off the 4 gigantic monsters. They are freaking HUGE! The most vigourous one was nearly chopped in half by a stupid lamp and said IDGAF Ill practically grow into the light rebelling @ 2ft tall. my flower tent is 7ft, with 5 ft tent for veg. So im trying to make the most out of my overgrown situation(my rooted clones in solo cups are stacked ontop of my clone dome- that packed). I was thinking of taking big clones(2-3 tops ea?) that would shorten them, and then use bamboo sticks instead of scrogging. I think the latest to start flowering the last flowers should be valentines-march so that i have about a month from may-june of tending to the smaller moms (by then big again :O?!) and carbonfiltering the fuck out of the place back to sobertown. Pretty much need the move at the end of May to be limited to 1 4x2x2 rubber maid for 4 tiny plants, and 2 4x2x2 rubber maids for tents/lights/fan/grow equpiment. Since June will be 3 months from now a clone would be even bigger than starting from seed, so I could take clones from the new smaller mother and perhaps give them to an old dealer, or just keep trimming them down small. (as much as im risking now would it be better to play it safe and start again by seed? I dont even know if ill be able to grow at my next rental) At this point it seems like attempting to pump out more clones and SOG would yield a lot less, I have no idea how to effieciently flip this perpetual, any help could possibly triple my yields before I gota move, Thanks for reading this dam essay lol



Well-Known Member
You need to make a plan

check the plan

and the plan,

of concern is the security of your next grow location,

why move into a place you can't grow is dumb, to any grower ...?

once the location is secure, and ready rent a uhaul load it up, with them plants and sneak it in

your normal shit can follow in daytime etc

I'd be making clones at the new location first, not making them now and double handling them to the new site

look for the new site now ...months ahead of the need to move,

you can maybe be growing at the site 2-3 weeks ahead of the actual move?

either way

Good Luck