getting ventilation set up in my closet.


Active Member
alright, i just moved into a new apartment. i'm using my bedroom closet for a personal grow, which is 5'x5'x8'. so far all i have in there is a cabinet im using for veg that uses compact floros. but in a month or two im going to have a 150 watt hps running next to it in the corner for flowering. with only the floros in the cabinet it gets hotter than 90 if i close the door to the closet. so for now i just leave it open. day temps peak at 84 and night temps drop to 75. when i get my hps running in there i know i want my door shut so i need to get some air movin in there.

so far i plan on this. intake is a 4 inch hole in the wall at floor level which draws in air from the back of our storage closet, and since the room is so big for a passive intake hole that small i ordered an 80 cfm aquarium light cooling fan to hook up to it so air gets moving in. that is right in the corner where my hps will be.

for exhaust i plan on getting a 170 cfm inline fan that will hook up to a homemade carbon scrubber box that is on my door, with door louvres on the other side (light proof, smell proof, and most importantly stealth).

now here are the questions. where should i mount the exhaust system intake? i know it should be near the ceiling but other than that does it really matter? also, do you guys think that 170 cfm will be enough to keep my temps in check? i kno its a small room but if a couple of compact fluorescents get it up to ninety im kinda worried about my hps being on even with this ventilation.


Well-Known Member
ANywhere on the ceiling is fine. I question if it will be enuff ventilation for that 150watt hps tho. Only one way to tell!


Active Member
thanks for the quick reply man. the more i think about it i am starting to convince myself that itll work. i am going to have a small fan pushing air up at the light. so givin the characteristics of hot air rising that will probably help. i just wanted to get a few opinions from you experts here on rollitup. a few more wouldn't hurt!


New Member
You're in an apartment and about to knock holes in things?.... bad move man. How much of the closet are you dedicating to the grow? all of it? Take the closet door off the hinges and cut on some panda plastic instead.
or just get a cheap grow tent for like 80 bucks on ebay, maybe cheaper if ur bidding. But yea u gotta remember if ur leasing than u will be paying for every hole u make.


Active Member
i appreciate your concern but no worries guys, ive thought this through. i wont have to pay for the hole if i patch it up before i move out. i seriously doubt they will notice a patched up hole in the bottom corner of a closet. and since its just a small closet door i was gonna buy one of my own for like 30 or 40 bucks and cut holes in my door. then put the original back on before i move. dont worry i thought it through before i started cutting shit. i always ask myself if i can fix it before i do anything like that.


Well-Known Member
i use cool tubes. get the heat off the bulbs and out. an oscillating fan and standard ac is enough in the room (for me..).

with cool tubes odor control is less of an issue too (again, for me...).


Active Member
eventually i will probably go in that direction, when i get a set up with more wattage like a 400 though. for now its just gonna be a fan aimed at the light and hopefully pushing that heat up to the ceiling where my inline fan will be waiting to suck it up like a bong hit. bongsmilie its only a 150 is what i keep telling myself. i dont wanna go overkill on this. but im also a noob to hps so correct me if im wrong.


Well-Known Member
you should be fine doing that -- as long as the amount of room above the light is significantly more than the amount of room below the light.

are you feeding AC into the closet? that is a big help, too..


Active Member
ya the ceiling is way above the light, and ac is being fed into the room as well. sweet, i feel good about this setup now. thanks alot scoregreen