and whatever you do, do not flower more plants until you have gotten rid of the problem. Mites THRIVE in the flower room because the plant is producing a TON of the sugars they are looking for! I just posted the next paragraph to someone else's thread so he's a copy and paste.
here is a SURE FIRE WAY to get rid of them, it's worked for me... Make a solution of the Neem oil (1/2-1 gallon is fine) and make a solution of the Captain jacks (or other product) of the same amount in separate containers that have openings large enough to fit your hands into. Next get your cloner ready to go or however you clone IN A ROOM AWAY FROM YOUR INFECTED PLANTS if possible (if not possible, make it possible). Take cuts off of the plants that you would like to save the strain (you absolutely can take a cut from a plant that is flowering if you don't have any more of that strain in veg and want to save it, just takes a while longer to start reveging). right when you take the cuts invert them and dunk the entire cutting (except the end of the stem where you cut the clone) in each solution for 15 seconds or so. This will ENSURE that every single surface of that cutting has been treated with product. Then dip into your rooting hormone or whatever you use to clone (i use about 5 drops of clonex gel in 10-12oz of water and let them soak for 24 hours then i put them in the aero cloner but this would also work for plugs). When you think the clones are sure to make it, get rid of all your vegging plants that are infected. Clean your veg room and the area surrounding it, and don't put any more plants in it for at least a week (i would go 2 weeks). If the mites have no food or habitat, they will not survive.
if you're so attatched to the plants that you will not clone and remove the infected ones... you better get 2 or 3 organic treatments, and start applying every three days, rotating products. the only problem is, you are PAST the point of wanting to spray plants for insects. looks like you're about 3.5 wks into flower. I never like to spray things on developing buds for fear of any residue to stick around. i dont care how organic it is... neem will make your bud taste and smell like shit.