Gg #4 bubble cloner


Active Member
Hey I'm running some gg #4 in a bubble cloner and was wondering if anyone has cloned this strain in a bubble setup before?

I've done rooters before with this strain and most were popping roots out of the plug at 7 days but temps were 85 and co2 was 1500.

I lost one run in the bubbler to the slime with ewc tea and had a few popping roots at 9 days. Temps were 60—70.

This time I cut stem and scraped under water and am just running straight ro with 1ppm free chlorine. Temps are 75. Don't see any obvious roots on day 7.

What times do you all get?
I have only lost 1 clone in 4+ years of growing. this last run of my glues I couldn't get a damned one to root. I put 17 from a mom glue (very healthy) and 17 cut from veg'd plants and nothing in 15 days. so I scraped all of them, recleaned both my aero cloners and started over. 15 days later, I have 5 rooted in each cloner. my other 4 strains in each cloner rooted in normal time and already potted. I have no idea whf is going on with the glues.

I normally have roots showing in 5 days and potting in solo cups by (day 14 the latest). this was my normal routine for the last 4 years.
Glad I'm not the only one, I was starting to think I just can't clone. I boosted room temps to 80 lights on and added a heater to keep the water 78. Hopefully the warmer temps help.
fro what ive read and with the HELP from a lot of growers on the FARM, you do NOT want a heater in there and want water temps in the low 70*'s, nothing really over 74*. the hpump will raise the water temp a few degrees. the roots take off in lower temps and higher = to root rot. I removed my heater (aquarium type), and put my cloners back on my 70* floor. it took 3+ weeks to get roots. im about to pot up 7-10 cuttings tonight or on sunday. I also put an additive in the cloners, which ive NEVER done, as I am trying everything.
You have a 45 gallon cloner? You could run close to 300 clones with that.

I've tried bennies a few times and got the slime. I don't have time to screw around with that junk. The chlorine keeps the bacteria from being able to form a bioslime..once the slime is there you might as well start over because any amount of disinfectant be it chlorine or physan 20 that will penetrate the slime and kill the bacteria will also kill the plants. You could try physically washing off the slime with physan 20 but the plants are already way stressed at this point.

I've started seeing some root bumps and roots coming out today, water temps are 80. The high temps aren't a problem because of the chlorine which keeps the bacteria from forming. The warmer water should work like a heating mat and encourage faster root formation.
no my water holding tank is 45 gal. I have 2x25 site cloner machines (2.8gal each) with pump and spray bar. bought on line for 68.00 shipped each. best 68.00 ive spent. I bubble my water 24/7, so all the chlorine is fully removed before using. BUT I think my municipality uses chloride, and NOT chlorine. and you cant remove chloride, from my searching.

in the 4+yrsof growing and cloning, ive never used a heat mat or aquarium heater to warm up the clonerwater. the pump will do that naturally. ive lost 1 clone in over 200+ clones taken and grown out in 4+ years and ive never use an heat source or additives. I grow underground (ambient temps are 73*, concrete floor is 70*). this is NOT counting my most recent cloning issues. I have some decent roots on 7 cuttings in each cloner. ill wait until sunday then ill pot them up.

from what ive seen in the last 4 days is the super thrive did a bit better than the root 66 additives.