GH maxi series dry nutes


New Member
Planning a grow when it is legal next year, so I am doing a lot of research so that I get it right. So far I research has shown that the "Lucas" formula is bogus so I am going with the dry maxigro, maxibloom, Koolbloom. I think that it's purpose is to save money by not buying the full spectrum of grow , bloom, boost, and finish. I also will be using a finisher. Reading the grow chart on the GH website, It recommends using th liquid koolbloom, but it is a money grab as I can make my own liquid koolbloom from the dry. It is the identical chemical make up and from my calculations the dry to water ratio is around 13 percent koolbloom to 87 water. Voila- liquid koolbloom. The dry nutes are are more concentrated so you are not paying for water. Keep in mind the 87% water as that is what your buying. Also, keep in mind that the physical chemicals in fertilizers are not magic and all are the same no matter the product and come from the same source. Mostly the best product has the net marketing department. My advice as well as a lot of the experienced agriculturalists on this site is to not over do it with the nutes.
