GH nutes and septic tanks

Does anyone know if flushing resiviors every week or two using General Hydroponics Flora series will have any long term effects on a septic tank? Should I just be dumping this stuff in the grass? I expect it's eco friendly.

Just wondering if this stuff is in any way similar to the effects bleach has on a septic system.

Thanks for the input!

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
to be on the safe side i would dump it on plants outside , reason being my father in law had cancer and the kimo they were giving him totally wasted my septic system .had to have all 3 tanks pumped out ,as far as the bleach thing that is what the water is treated with as it comes out the areobic system,they say it comes out 99% clean but i sure grow some awesome weeds around it


Well-Known Member
I didn't even think about the chemical impact on my septic, I just don't want to be pumping an extra 100gal of water in there every week so i pump it out through my sump pump to the woods. No reason you couldn't water yard plants or the grass with it. I keep thinking of getting a 200+gal holding tank just to store the waste water and use outdoors, just waiting for a cheap one to show up on C-list.