GH Nutrients


Active Member
Just wondering who is using the General Hydroponics Nutrients in soil? I have read a few things on the board that it's not the best choice for soil. Any feedback? I use the 3 part. Other than diluting it by roughly 30% I pretty much follow the formula on the bottle.


Well-Known Member
I use it for hydro... Its a good system. I've heard good things about its use in soil. GH is known to need supplements though. I use the three part flora series, but I also use cal-mag, and I'm planning on a bloom enhancer as well.


Active Member
Thanks guys for replying. Thats the same base formula i use but i lower the amounts slightly. I think my problem lies in my veg. My plants look healthy but are always slender.

Based on that chart and 5 week veg cycle, would you run their suggested amounts or lower/raise it? I believe I am over feeding or overwatering.

Other than the 3 part for veg I also use the following aditives periodically

Pure Blend Grow
tarantula, pirhana and voodoo juice


Well-Known Member
i'm still new to growing but you might have nute lock out. i have two plants that i used gh on.1 is only 1 foot high and the other 1 is like 2 1/2 feet tall. i used the same nutes on both.