Girl Scout Cookie. Tricky to grow?

past times

Well-Known Member
Hey all. I am a couple weeks into flower on my first couple BC Bud Depot GSC, and am seeing a couple different phenos. One is pretty stretchy and the other is more squat. Anyone know the charateristics of the mint pheno?

So far, they have been really sensitive to nutrients. At this point I am feeding 1/2 strength Gen. organics, Go box nutrients, every other watering. They are in a soil mix. Anyone grown this strain? Were yours nutz sensitive?

Also, roughly how long was your flowering period? Thanks in advance.

Behind Dark Clouds

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it is hard to tell what you will get with the BC GSC, I grew it out and it was close but grew very different than the cut I have. The BC was very dense and the top cola was a lot of weight. For the cut it grows more like an OG very lanky and golf ball nugs. Not bad smoke at all but the yield isn't amazing.

past times

Well-Known Member
did yours take a lot of nutrients? I am going to stop buying bc depot i think. The blueberry has a tendancy to hermie. This is inconsistent. I also have 4 seeds at like 2 weeks right now of GSC. They are all different sizes. 2 look good, 2 are dwarfed. Same conditions. I went almost no additives this time (Little worm castings, sunshine mix, perlite), thinking my soil was too hot last time. Now I am thinking genetics more then conditions. I am excited to see the final product though of the 2 good ones in flower. I have heard greath things. I have a NYC auto diesel about a month from done too. It is looking and smelling fantastic.


Well-Known Member
I currently have 18 seedlings that are about 4-6 tall now, and I am seeing the same thing in reference to short and tall. Some look like they were stretching for light badly while others right beside them look normal or tiny but still growing leaves nice.
Ive been on 1/4 nuts Gen. Hydro. since week 3 and I can tell when i feed them they love it. Also they have started to obviously smelling like what they are but they also have an awesome sugar cookie dough smell to them.


Well-Known Member
Your lucky you got a BCBD seeds to sprout lol.
Ive tried the bcbd GSC 3 times on separate occasions. 1 didnt sprout. 1 sprouted and the shell never came off, it died.
the 3rd didnt sprout.
3 BC godbud did not sprout out of 5.
1 blueberry of 2 sprouted.
at the same time i sprouted 12 other seeds from several different companies and all sprouted. I usualy have a 99% germination rate :-)
I tried a GSC from cali con and the seedling turned into a mini palm tree lookin thing on me...i think i may have a problem with the gsc in general.
I ordered once directly from BCBD and didnt even get my order. Terrible cust service at the time as well.
I wish i could say something good about bcbd, id like to support a canadian company as we need more canadian seedbanks, but i cant lol.


Well-Known Member
I grew some GSC Santa Cruz Mt. cuts outdoors and they grew great. They weren't sensitive to nutes and were very pest resistant. Yields were decent, buds were extremely dense and sticky. Very enjoyable high. Definitely a keeper for me.


Well-Known Member
This was my first time ordering and germinating seeds. My father has been ordering from BCBD for at least 10 years now and hasn't had a problem. of course your gonna have a few seeds that don't pop but he still states he's a good germination rates. I guess you can say I'm finally getting into the family business took a while but I'm here.
I've read a lot of bad things about BCBD but my experience was nice and they gave me 4 extra feminized and 5 extra unknown sex GSC. 10 of the unknowns popped hard and look great 8 of the fems got up slow but have finally caught up, there is 1 last fem that is really taking its time but could make it so that would make 19 total however I'm not counting it right now.
Im doing a top drip feed with 4x4 grow cubes on top of grow slabs in leach trays with 1000W light surrounded by orca film. Im excited to see how my first grow turns out.