Given a clone, dont know what to do.


What steps are required to successfully harvest bud from a cloned female plant of the super silver haze strain (indoor microgrow in a grow box)? I'm a very inexperienced grower, but eager to learn.


Active Member
Well, you need lights first of all. Ventilation, a growing medium, water, nutrients, some sort of box or cabinet to put the clone in, and it must be light-tight. check out the indoor growing section of the forum for some ideas.


Well-Known Member
Take a mixture of perlite and vermiculite (they hold in lots of moisture) in a small cup, put some rooting gel on the cutting and plant it in there for rooting. After a couple weeks of veg growth at an 18/6 light cycle and after moving to a bigger pot, of soil, you can put it into flower in a light-tight box with a 12/12 cycle.
Also you'd need to look into exhaust and proper lighting for your box and plant.
peace nugg'emz :leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
NEW BOOTY! kool shit. welcome to RIU, he gave u the growing run down but heres another. feel free to ask ??????'s!! any! WE here realize ur 'new to the krew' and want u to NOT feel like an idiot, even tho u r a inexperienced grow, u will (most likely) find this site will have ALOT of wat u need to kno and sum that u could learn.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Take a mixture of perlite and vermiculite (they hold in lots of moisture) in a small cup, put some rooting gel on the cutting and plant it in there for rooting. After a couple weeks of veg growth at an 18/6 light cycle and after moving to a bigger pot, of soil, you can put it into flower in a light-tight box with a 12/12 cycle.
Also you'd need to look into exhaust and proper lighting for your box and plant.
peace nugg'emz :leaf::bigjoint:

i think a good soil will do fer now, but if u got perlite than id say do a 70 soil and 30% perlite mix (oh and perlite is for drainage, not to retain moisture) that shoutd do well fer ur media, and wat lights do u have money and space for?? big (like High pressure sodium, or metal halide) or smaller (compact florescent, or tube florescents), u ned a grow space fer DAMN sure so wat size of a space u got to werk with?????


i think a good soil will do fer now, but if u got perlite than id say do a 70 soil and 30% perlite mix (oh and perlite is for drainage, not to retain moisture) that shoutd do well fer ur media, and wat lights do u have money and space for?? big (like High pressure sodium, or metal halide) or smaller (compact florescent, or tube florescents), u ned a grow space fer DAMN sure so wat size of a space u got to werk with?????
I actually already have vermiculite from a mushroom project if mine and the soil won't be a problem. As for the lights, I dont really know what kind of lights i need/what would be best; but i was looking to spend about $50 on lights. And spacewise, i was planning on building a box about 4ft tall, 2.5 ft wide, and 2ft width. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I actually already have vermiculite from a mushroom project if mine and the soil won't be a problem. As for the lights, I dont really know what kind of lights i need/what would be best; but i was looking to spend about $50 on lights. And spacewise, i was planning on building a box about 4ft tall, 2.5 ft wide, and 2ft width. Any suggestions?

50 say make a lil CFL rack with like 6 cfl's theyr the spiral light bulbs the difference in them is the color of light they emit, get the 'day time' ones (it says it on the box if not itll say 5000k or sumthin close to that number, these r the BLUE ones) and get like 3-4 of those (theyr like a 2 pak of em fer 5 buxs at wall mart) and then there r RED one that say 2700k or 3000k on the box, get like 3-4 of those too, that should b PLENTY of light fer 1 plant. to make it easy get sum of the 'y' light socket joints, that will help with how many sockets ur using. U got a fan yet??? a cheapee will werk but if u r using a grow box, u will need and intake and exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
Should be a easy plant to grow since its a sativa. Beware it might get a little tall but it will be fun learning how to grow! Good luck and god bless.


50 say make a lil CFL rack with like 6 cfl's theyr the spiral light bulbs the difference in them is the color of light they emit, get the 'day time' ones (it says it on the box if not itll say 5000k or sumthin close to that number, these r the BLUE ones) and get like 3-4 of those (theyr like a 2 pak of em fer 5 buxs at wall mart) and then there r RED one that say 2700k or 3000k on the box, get like 3-4 of those too, that should b PLENTY of light fer 1 plant. to make it easy get sum of the 'y' light socket joints, that will help with how many sockets ur using. U got a fan yet??? a cheapee will werk but if u r using a grow box, u will need and intake and exhaust fan.
Don't have a fan yet, but my roomate (Buddhabud) just ordered a few off the internet. Whats your recommendation for a good working fan, for a reasonable price?


Well-Known Member
Get any old fan if its just one plant your growing and its on low budget.
CFL's are what you'll need next, can get them at places like walmart, look for the 30w + bulbs as below really isn't that worth it. Look for bulbs with 6500K for them during vegging and 2700K during flowering.

Veg the plant for around a month, or till you see pre-flowers. The longer you veg the bigger the plant will get basically. If your doing a CFL grow tho its advised not to let it reach above 20cm as the cfl's really cant penetrate too well.

Next you'll wanna grab some soil, seeing as this is your first grow just grab any old soil from a garden centre, try and get a good mix but if you cant afford it just get any. But look into the ones with time-release nutrients. (If you dont think your gonna buy any flowering or vegging nutrients (again from the garden centre), then time-release nutes might be good).

Pot sizes also affect the size of the plant, rule of thumb is to match the size of the pot to the plant. If the plant is 10cm tall then the pot shud be. 3 different pot sizes is a good way to do it. Start small, then around 2-3 weeks in dependent on size move up and then around 5-6 weeks change again :)

For watering, fill bottles up with water and leave the caps off for 24 hours before using the water. this will get out the chlorine which is added in :)

When growing with CFL's it is good to rotate your plant 90 degrees once a day. This will help provide a broader spread of light on the plant.
Any other questions just drop me a private message, will try to help as much as i can.


Active Member
CFL stands for compact Fluorescent. Sativas are not the best to grow indoors, as they really like to grow tall. Check out some of the DIY CFL set ups in the DIY section. My recommendation is to get one of those cheap ass turkey pans, cut 3 holes on each side, and stick the sockets inside the holes. Before doing so though, cover the entire thing in Mylar (which is likd 25 bux for 50 feet.

Cut some holes in the side of your cabinet or box, put some side lighting in (after you have covered the inside of the box in Mylar, then cut some square holes and put computer fans in it (1 intake 1 outtake)

remember to +rep all the people in this thread who help you.


Well-Known Member
yea a sativa works fine indoors but an indica is a little more suited, especially for low-height situations or possibilities of mold and pests - personally i prefer an indica dominant cross but if that guy is only giving u that one strain than i'd recommend LSTing your plant

GPD, im still relatively new to RIU, havent figured out what the signifigance of +rep is, is it just type-lingo for thanks, or what?


Well-Known Member
GPD, im still relatively new to RIU, havent figured out what the signifigance of +rep is, is it just type-lingo for thanks, or what?
+rep is given by clicking the white icon on someones post, for instance the top right of this im typing now (its next to the post number, this one being #15). It looks like some scales or something, im not sure what it is, but thats how its given buddy :) Its considered a sign of gratitude. Always remember to put your usertag in it so it can be returned e.g. Thanks for the info - TheMightyS


If your on a budget ... :bigjoint:

Check home depot or Lowe's, if in your area, for cheap lighting.
This should be for temporary use as it's not your best option.
But for a few bucks your "lighting"

Total @ 92 watts CFLs for under $20

23 watt CFLs 4pk $8 (2x 6500K 2x 5500K)
socket plugs $1.20 ea.
socket "Y" splitter $ 1.70 ea.
extension cord $1.25 (thrift store)

Then you'll want to get ready for propagation (cuttings/clones) ...

Humidity dome and tray. Cutting medium like peete pods, coco,
rock wool, rapid rooters (my fav) etc. Rooting compound, nutes,
etc ...

How aggressive are you going to grow? That will determine what
you will need :leaf:

