Giving to the rich.


Well-Known Member
One argument I hear all the time is that Republicans and others want to give all the money to the wealthy.

The only way I can think of to do this is to tax one group and give those tax dollars to another. Now things like bail outs and cooperate welfare do occur and I am against this. But aside from these rare occurrences, how exactly does or Government "give to the rich"? Are there social programs for the rich paid for by the poor? What benefits does the Government provide for the rich that is paid for by the poor?
isn't it obvious? they allow the rich to succeed. they don't bog them down with punitive taxation and hand unions a blank check.
everyone talks about how much money we give, or dont take from the rich. what about the massive amounts of money that we give to the poor in the form of welfare. i would rather give more money to the rich than half the people on welfare. at least they work.
everyone talks about how much money we give, or dont take from the rich. what about the massive amounts of money that we give to the poor in the form of welfare. i would rather give more money to the rich than half the people on welfare. at least they work.

What about the people who can't work because of some medical condition? Should they just be left to die? I have never meet anyone on welfare who makes enough to survive, and if you have welfare you aren't allowed to work, or you lose your welfare check! Try living 1 month on welfare then say this again.
i am robin ho0d.,.,.,

Nice to meet you Robin Hood.

I've always been a avid admirer of yours. As a staunch conservative, in the Old Right sense, Robin Hood has been a life-time hero of mine. You see ... Robin Hood, in an accurate portrayal, stole from the government (the King), the funds the government looted from the producers (the citizens), and returned the funds back to the rightful owners (those who were taxed into oblivion).

Now if only the Republican Party would get back to it's roots and do the same! bongsmilie
Take the money from the people that know how to make it, and give it to people that dont have the knowledge to do so for themselves?? This country is fucked if we stop small business with unnecessary taxes and penalties on the entrepreneurial spirit on which this country was founded.
Obama taking over auto manufacturing, pushing health care down our throats and now says he wants to be the leader of the banking industry. While our men and women in uniform are being killed because he cant decide whether to send in troops or not. Plus Obama has spent a total of 24 days on a golf course.

Something is wrong in DC and I have my passport up to date just in case.

Flame on.:fire:
What about the people who can't work because of some medical condition? Should they just be left to die? I have never meet anyone on welfare who makes enough to survive, and if you have welfare you aren't allowed to work, or you lose your welfare check! Try living 1 month on welfare then say this again.

i know alot of people on welfare unfortuneley and they are all a bunch of lazy or stupid people who CHOOSE not to take care of themselves. i understand that disability is a just cause or short moments of welfare to enable people to get back on their feet is ok. i feel that a large chunk of welfare recepients are moochers that dont understand what hard work is. there are always more hours in the day. if your not making it, then get a second job. and yes jobs are out there, even now. yes welfare needs to be there for those in need, but where is the line?

also if we take away from the rich and give to the poor then say goodbye to innovation. all of these fancy gadgets we have and awesome modern priveledges we have are due to the huge payday that those who have worked hard through research, education and so forth get from inventing/marketing/shipping ect. so i will gladly make my measly wage a year compared to those who make millions cause it enhances our lives. granted some rich people dont earn there money but you have to look at it from a grand view. why the fuck would the rich push big business for the same pay as us middle class and lower class? they wouldn't.
Take the money from the people that know how to make it, and give it to people that dont have the knowledge to do so for themselves?? This country is fucked if we stop small business with unnecessary taxes and penalties on the entrepreneurial spirit on which this country was founded.
Obama taking over auto manufacturing, pushing health care down our throats and now says he wants to be the leader of the banking industry. While our men and women in uniform are being killed because he cant decide whether to send in troops or not. Plus Obama has spent a total of 24 days on a golf course.

Something is wrong in DC and I have my passport up to date just in case.

Flame on.:fire:

i agree.... i feel that our health care does need reform, i just pray that it doesnt happen under obama. i am not a fan of bush in the least,nor am i a diehard republican or democrat, but i honestly feel that obama is a far worse president and will continue to take this country down a bad path. i feel like we will be a welfare nation more than we already are by the end of this. so you all will have your wish about giving to the poor.
One argument I hear all the time is that Republicans and others want to give all the money to the wealthy.

The only way I can think of to do this is to tax one group and give those tax dollars to another. Now things like bail outs and cooperate welfare do occur and I am against this. But aside from these rare occurrences, how exactly does or Government "give to the rich"? Are there social programs for the rich paid for by the poor? What benefits does the Government provide for the rich that is paid for by the poor?

taxes aren't the only method to redistribute wealth

take for instance the lobby industry

the rich lobby the legislature with money to insure new policies will favor their purpose - Lieberman is a current example - that is how government gives to the rich - and much more than the poor get on food stamps.
i know alot of people on welfare unfortuneley and they are all a bunch of lazy or stupid people who CHOOSE not to take care of themselves. i understand that disability is a just cause or short moments of welfare to enable people to get back on their feet is ok. i feel that a large chunk of welfare recepients are moochers that dont understand what hard work is. there are always more hours in the day. if your not making it, then get a second job. and yes jobs are out there, even now. yes welfare needs to be there for those in need, but where is the line?

People on welfare are not allowed jobs, yet you tell me they need to get a second? I agree their is a certain limit, and a line needs to be draw.

also if we take away from the rich and give to the poor then say goodbye to innovation. all of these fancy gadgets we have and awesome modern priveledges we have are due to the huge payday that those who have worked hard through research, education and so forth get from inventing/marketing/shipping ect. so i will gladly make my measly wage a year compared to those who make millions cause it enhances our lives. granted some rich people dont earn there money but you have to look at it from a grand view. why the fuck would the rich push big business for the same pay as us middle class and lower class? they wouldn't.

But you also don't let that middle class fail to where they can't affort the inventions you are marketing and shipping to them.