Glycerin tincture question


I soaked trim in the glycerin and strained it yesterday. It seems lighter in color than other stuff I've seen but I saw in a video online that I need to "carboxylize" the tincture by heating it to 150 degrees farenheit. I'm wondering if this step is necessary and if it makes a huge difference?


Well-Known Member
I've never carbolized an my gyserine knocks people out. Granted I soak in keif then strain, but your way works. Heating may help , an surly helps during extraction, but IMO your prolly ok


Hey there Eikes1390. I think what you are referring to is decarboxilation. This is very beneficial when it comes to making edibles and oils. What happens is the heat that the product is being exposed to kick starts the process of converting inactive properties to actives so you get more of a punch in your final product! I decarb my ground up buds and trim at 220f for about 20 mins before I make any oils or edibles. Hope this helps!


I take the buds, trim, stems, etc that I am intending for oil and grind them up. Then cover in sealed dish or wrapped in tinfoil and place in oven to decarb at 220f for 20 mins. Once that is done I let it cool before uncovering. I use the crockpot method of making cannaoil, so at this point the product is ready to be extracted. I then measure out my coconut oil and soy lecithan (makes oil more bioavailable to our bodies) ,place in crock pot and turn on low. Once warmed up a little bit I add ground up product into crock, put on lid, and let it simmer in low for 6-10 hours. Once done I strain and there is my cannaoil. I then bake medibles with it, rub it on burns or sore joints, and even capsule it into a 00 size gelcap for on the go medicating. Hope this helps! :)


Well-Known Member
ok so i recently watched a youtube vid of matt rize hash class and he mentioned decarbing as well and said he normally doesnt do it but that he has here and their and that some people say its more potent and maybe it is that was his take my questions are..would you do this with bubble hash if you have bubble exp? and also while im asking if you know anything about bubble have any input on the microfracturing was it?? basically grating your hash..i would think that makes a super sticky mess and wouldnt work! also wondering if you think decarbing anything be it hash or material can melt away the thc glands? then i wonder why you use coconut oil as ive only used butter but oil sounds alot easier..can you use other oils? ok last question what are the applications of making glycerin? do you just eat it as is in pieces like a candy or make something with it..if that what do you make? currently i take trim through the bubble bags and then into the crock pot but is this a better thing to do with my trim???


Well-Known Member
When I made glycerine we used cheese cloth to hold the bud, trim, etc. (makes it easy to strain out) then double boiled it for like 45 minutes or something. In my opinion the heating up may not be absolutely necessary but as for me, I would never skip that step. It guarantees you dont leave behind much thc in the bud