Gnats!!! how do I KILL them?


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for a while now and for some reason, I havnt encountered this problem till now. I try to keep my grow room cool but it still gets warm during the day. So basicaly i'm do I kill the annoying little bastards...without hurting my baby girls?

plus rep for whoever helps out.

Thanks yall.:bigjoint:
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Well-Known Member
I've done pretty well using a combination of sticky strips and mosquito dunks. If you don't know about them... mosquito dunks are little donut shaped things that contain bacteria. I wrap them in a piece of cheesecloth (I use a pump to water, and don't want any chunks), and let them soak in the water that I'm going to use for about a half day. The bacteria will kill the larva in your soil, but won't harm plants.

I've also heard of people putting a layer of sand on top of their soil to keep hatchlings from getting out, and adults from going in to lay eggs. (My friend tried it, and it knocked them down some, but they were still around).


Active Member
I had a big problem in the beginning... Sticky stuff works wonders... I got the fly traps and cut them up a bit, layed them all over my closet and around the rims of the pots. Also went to a local green-store and got these:
They work wonderfull.. The gnats are really attracted to the yellow.. Since I've been hitting them hard with the sticky stuff they're about 98% gone.. I just see a straggler here and there. Oh, and if you can't get those right away, see if you have a small shallow bright yellow or orange bowl. If you do, fill it with some water, and put a drop of dish detergent in it and swish it around. The gnats will be attracted to that and fly in and drown.. This was what I first used and in a week had over 50 dead gnats in there... Persistence! :D Smoke on.


Well-Known Member
I know there completely harmless to my plants...there just starting to annoy the hell out of me. thanks for all the replies. Pretty much answered my question. Sticky traps seem to be the way to go.
Thats also interesting about them being attracted to the yellow.
And as for the beer cans??? grow room is pretty clean...but plus rep anywayz.:bigjoint: thanks peeps.


Well-Known Member
I used to put a layer of perlite on the top of the soil. It didn't let the light get to the soil for the fungus to grow. That's what they eat. It worked for me when I had my grow cab.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, the larvae will eat away at roots. I don't think they do significant damage, but they will do some.

I know there completely harmless to my plants...there just starting to annoy the hell out of me. thanks for all the replies. Pretty much answered my question. Sticky traps seem to be the way to go.
Thats also interesting about them being attracted to the yellow.
And as for the beer cans??? grow room is pretty clean...but plus rep anywayz.:bigjoint: thanks peeps.


Well-Known Member
One thing I forgot to mention...
They thrive when there's moist soil. So, on top of other treatments mentioned, let your soil dry out as much as possible between waterings.