Gnats in soil after first flush

I’ve read that potato wedges draw out the gnat larvae. I have also ready you can flush with a mix of hydrogen peroxide and water - Im not 100% sure of the ratio but look it up and you’ll find it. I would also recommend yellow sticky traps for the adults.
Mix one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with four parts water. Allow the top layer of your soil to dry, and then water your plants with this solution as you normally would. The soil will fizz for a few minutes after application; this is normal. Contact with hydrogen peroxide will kill fungus gnat larvae on contact.
I was a fan of mosquito bits and sticky traps. I would make sure they aren’t aphids, you don’t want to start the next grow with those cock suckers around.
I was a fan of mosquito bits and sticky traps. I would make sure they aren’t aphids, you don’t want to start the next grow with those cock suckers around.
Im a month away from triggering flower. I was wondering does the mosquito bits chemical get absorbed in to the plant and have any issues with that? I have seen a couple gnats and was going to pick some up and try it.
no need to get into chemical warfare if you are going to harvest in 1 week, as they won't do any damage to your gals in that short of time
Yeah just ignore em a week out... they don’t eat much?

Make sure sure they are gnats and nothing more malignant like aphids, but if your girls look good hang the strips and keep em ouf the the buds for the next week and you’re fine.

Even if they aren’t just gnats you are close enough I wouldn’t treat with shit but patience and glue.
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I have tried many ideas and the only thing that helps me is cooling the room down to maybe 65 degrees F .
But they say don't put plants right in front of the air conditioner output fan . I put my plants about 8 feet away and not in the breeze from the AC . I guess makes them cold and they crawls down into the soil and hopefully puts them to sleep . They say gnats only live for about 2 or 3 days , so it might kill them all by slowing down their eggs lay and hatch cycle .
I was reading somewhere that if your soil has shrunk away from the sides of the pot , to pour small amount of water along the edges , and repeat the process a few times . Also I tried pushing soil down the edges where the gaps are , and then water down the sides . Hopefully that will stop the gnats from crawling down the sides of the soil along the edges . I guess fungus gnats live longer than 3 days and it is more like 1 to 2 weeks .

Let soil get dry dry. I know it sucks, but the eggs can’t survive the dry. Also sticky traps to catch the ones that are alive.

This, all the way. Have dealt with them in one of my bonsai plants before; letting the medium dry out was the only thing that fully stopped it. The only difference, I used apple cider vinegar and dish soap, rather than sticky tape (it's a little more friendly for a bunch of fans in the room as a nice bonus).
I have tried many ideas and the only thing that helps me is cooling the room down to maybe 65 degrees F .
But they say don't put plants right in front of the air conditioner output fan . I put my plants about 8 feet away and not in the breeze from the AC . I guess makes them cold and they crawls down into the soil and hopefully puts them to sleep . They say gnats only live for about 2 or 3 days , so it might kill them all by slowing down their eggs lay and hatch cycle .
Update . Added a fan . Bought some Sticky Tape . Bought some Apple Cider Vinegar I got the plants in front of a fan and drying out as much as possible . I see from reading a lot of posts that many people buy special products and some even use a Sulfur device . For a while I had zero ventilation , which was a huge mistake I guess , Everything else is working out good ,
Mosquito Dunks.
Grind the donuts into chunky powder, top dress and top feed/water to distribute the bti into the medium. addition to tje above, float a donut in your res.

Sticky traps for adults.

2 weeks later, zero gnats.

(Edit - I'm in coco. Drying out the top is not an opt.)
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Mosquito Dunks.
Grind the donuts into chunky powder, top dress and top feed/water to distribute the bti into the medium. addition to tje above, float a donut in your res.

Sticky traps for adults.

2 weeks later, zero gnats.
O.K. I'll put that in my Notes In word Processor . I put up sticky strips today and they are real good so far . Got some apple cider vinegar ; they said add a drop of liquid soap to it . I will add that tonight . Also I am putting a fan on them and trying to dry out the top inch or two ; heard here that helps . I am not going to bottom water , but I am going to shove tube down about halfway or so and water the lower part of the soil ; don't really want water dripping out bottom soil .

The more I read on this web site the more I learn . Thanks TintEastwood and everyone else that has posted on this topic .

From Halman9000