How can I get rid of gnats in my soil when I'm about to harvest in a week or less?
no need to get into chemical warfare if you are going to harvest in 1 week, as they won't do any damage to your gals in that short of timeHow can I get rid of gnats in my soil when I'm about to harvest in a week or less?
Im a month away from triggering flower. I was wondering does the mosquito bits chemical get absorbed in to the plant and have any issues with that? I have seen a couple gnats and was going to pick some up and try it.I was a fan of mosquito bits and sticky traps. I would make sure they aren’t aphids, you don’t want to start the next grow with those cock suckers around.
Yeah just ignore em a week out... they don’t eat much?no need to get into chemical warfare if you are going to harvest in 1 week, as they won't do any damage to your gals in that short of time
Let soil get dry dry. I know it sucks, but the eggs can’t survive the dry. Also sticky traps to catch the ones that are alive.How can I get rid of gnats in my soil when I'm about to harvest in a week or less?
Let soil get dry dry. I know it sucks, but the eggs can’t survive the dry. Also sticky traps to catch the ones that are alive.
Update . Added a fan . Bought some Sticky Tape . Bought some Apple Cider Vinegar I got the plants in front of a fan and drying out as much as possible . I see from reading a lot of posts that many people buy special products and some even use a Sulfur device . For a while I had zero ventilation , which was a huge mistake I guess , Everything else is working out good ,I have tried many ideas and the only thing that helps me is cooling the room down to maybe 65 degrees F .
But they say don't put plants right in front of the air conditioner output fan . I put my plants about 8 feet away and not in the breeze from the AC . I guess makes them cold and they crawls down into the soil and hopefully puts them to sleep . They say gnats only live for about 2 or 3 days , so it might kill them all by slowing down their eggs lay and hatch cycle .
O.K. I'll put that in my Notes In word Processor . I put up sticky strips today and they are real good so far . Got some apple cider vinegar ; they said add a drop of liquid soap to it . I will add that tonight . Also I am putting a fan on them and trying to dry out the top inch or two ; heard here that helps . I am not going to bottom water , but I am going to shove tube down about halfway or so and water the lower part of the soil ; don't really want water dripping out bottom soil .Mosquito Dunks.
Grind the donuts into chunky powder, top dress and top feed/water to distribute the bti into the medium. addition to tje above, float a donut in your res.
Sticky traps for adults.
2 weeks later, zero gnats.