gnats vs spider mites


Active Member
ive been reading alot about gnats since i bought these sticky flie traps....over night it was like 400 gnats stuck to just one....every time i water gnats flie out of my soil...i thought it wasnt a problem....i bombed my area and now their my question serious are gnats vs spider mites and do you think the bombs where enough to kill both off? and if not how long do you think itll be before they return


sounds like you have a lot going on there bud, i think you'll want to treat your soil for gnats.. mosquito dunks seem to be highly recommended.. bomb again 9 days after the first time u did it because chances are some eggs lived.. so yea treat your soil with something and and 1 more bombing and you should be in the clear. If you cant rid yourself of them that way then try some predatory mites for the spider mites and there are other predatory bugs that will rid u of your gnats, Best of luck dude

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I had gnats. Luckily they stayed to the outer leaves mostly. I only had to trim out one or two gnats from the actual bud.

Sticky paper is your friend.


Well-Known Member
you should definetly treat your soil gnatrol works like a dream I had some gnats I spayed a bunch of neem oil in the soil almost killed them all but they came back I ordered some gnatrol used it once and killed them all. I didn't have anywhere near as many gnats as you though but jorge cervantes says its the best shiit for gnats and it does work killer.


Well-Known Member
I had a gnat infested grow once. It was in the middle of winter and I couldn't find dunks anywhere. I tried to battle them with H2o2 but it only slowed them down a little. I was catching about 100+ a day on traps. They never hurt anything at all though. People say they will affect yield, if they hurt mine at all it was unnoticeable. Not fun being swarmed by them everytime you water.

I believe gnatroll and dunks are both use bti as the effective ingredient.
Vinegar in a cup will kill them.They will fly into the cup and die.
Or just buy a bunch of ladybugs from Amazon. Cheap like 15 bucks. You don't want chemicals around your plants, it will decrease your THC in the end.


Well-Known Member
spidermites are the devil! you need to check the section on bugs here. if you dont fight them they will cost you big. i use the cali-clean spray, habinero peppers cooked into liquid death for them! every 2 days, and i use azamax once a week.


Well-Known Member
Gnats are just a nuisance bug they wont destroy your entire crop like mites will. You have gnat larvae in your soil. Basically the gnats land on your soil have a fuck fest and drop larvae into your soil. YOu need to drench with a pesticide or buy some predatory nematodes to eat all that larvae. Yellow sticky traps only catch adults. ALso put those oscillating fans on high so the bugs cant fly around.


Active Member
Gnats suck ass but mites are the worst. For gnats just top off your pots with about 1-2 inches of play sand and it will smother them.


Well-Known Member
you got both? that suck because the poisons that are effective on one make the others population increase. sticky traps are a good start. i would get some azamax for this one, or some abamectin followed with a permethrin treatment. that sucks for real man almost any other combo of bugs is easily managed but that ones a gonna be a PIA.

if you want to go the most organic route possible, attack the mites first, with neem and permethrin, then do a soil drench with organophophates(but not if they are more than half wat though flower if this is the case then just contiue to spray for them with neem and permethrin. also malation is a good choice of organo phophate). i hope your babys are in veg. and i hope this helps

mites are by far worse than gnats BTW.