Go ahead and tell me whats wrong.

Yeah I could use some help

Green Crack Clones
2 weeks into flowering
135W LED Apollo Light

I assume its a defieciency or toxicity. I'm using Fox Farm Big Bloom nutes (I never actually did the math on the dosage but I am fairly sure I'm not giving them too much) Cal-Mag +, and "Sweet" from botanicare, and I always splash in a lil B1.

I water/feed every 2-3 days

I have a great book on def and tox with pictures some where but I can't find it I figured someone in the know could enlighten me. Thanks in advance:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Dark green shiny leaves with tips bent down next to burned leaves in an environment where nutes are being splashed on every few days...probably not a deficiency. Yeah, I've been cavalier with those nutrients as well and eventually learned I was the problem. You should get a TDS/EC meter and mix up some of your solution and see what the numbers are.