Goat fertilizer

My local gardencenter carries fertilizer made from goat manure. Would this be a good source to add to compost? I havent seen much on using goat manure or how it compares to others.
It's not a hot manure for composting raw plant matter. Hot manures like horse, chicken, and sheep are hot manures. Goat manure is valuable, just on the humus side. May take a longer time for composting. Adding bone meal to any manures increases the actions for both.
I'll definitely get some. It's $8 a bag I think. Not sure if it's 5lb or what. But I'll definitely need some advice on a ratio to mix
I use 4 cups placed inside of a small burlap bag ( hell use nylon stockings/foot anklets) then soaked in warm water 24-36 hrs.
I believe technically they are calling this a compost "extract" as opposed to a tea since enough air is added to grow the microbes. I see a lot of people moving in this direction now as opposed to breeding microbes because really you have no idea which microbes you are helping build in a compost tea most of the time.