god and the court of law

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
wow this absolutely amazing here ............. when you are in court in america you swear on the bible that you are telling the truth , and if you cast your gaze onto certain walls you will see religious scripture , yet if
you use god as your defense you will be sectioned , if i said god spoke to me and t
old me to kill my mum , i would surely be sent to the mental hospital , how can this be , i sign to say
i swear on the bible then i say that god told me to do it so im mental ? wtf


Active Member
Very true and funny but I done think you have to swear over a Bible. Makes no difference to me, shit ill swear over the "Pokie Little Puppy"

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
you dont have to no . but it is looked on better if you put your hand on the bible and swear to god you are telling the truth , yet if your very next statement is god asked you to hack the head off your neighbour you will be instantly sectioned ....fuckin hillarious


Well-Known Member
The bible is the biggest lie ever told. And by swearing on the bible your supposed to tell the truth in court. nonsense.


Well-Known Member
If you think mankind has only been around five thousand years, then so be it, But I would rather believe every scientist in the world.