God hates us


Well-Known Member
According to Paul Ryan it seems that all we have to do is pray more, and harder, and all the mass murders occurring in the USA today wouldn't happen, they would just all go away

“It’s disappointing, it’s sad, and this is what you’ll get from the far secular left. People who do not have faith don’t understand faith, I guess I’d have to say. And it is the right thing to do is to pray in moments like this, because you know what? Prayer works. And I know you believe that, and I believe that and when you hear the secular left doing this thing, it’s no wonder you have so much polarization and disunity in this country when people think like that.”

He made that statement on Fox News, in response to criticism he received over his and Trump's reaction to the horror that occurred on Sunday in a Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, when both asked for prayers, but essentially said fuck further restrictions on weapons of mass destruction, like AR 15's with 30 round magazines, which is the weapon of choice it seems for mass murderers (Newtown/San Bernardino/Orlando/Las Vegas/ and now Sutherland Springs)

So, I guess all the dead were just meant to be in God's fucked up plan it seems, it has nothing to do with mentally deranged individuals being fucking ALLOWED to own assault weapons.

So, pray long and hard people, to the Heavenly Father above to stop killing us, because sure as shit the NRA controlled Congress and WH ain't going to do a .fucking thing to stop the carnage.

Bet on it
Hey ask these hypocritical fucks to apply their reasoning for zero gun control to drugs! Doesnt work out how they would like but then again that would be asking the spineless to have a principle
If there be a hell, those that used fake religion for political gain will have front row...
There isn't, but I can appreciate the thought

The reality is these people will live lavish, privileged lives, screw over the average man their entire career, and probably be placed in a casket worth more than the average American's car when they eventually succumb to whatever ailment their nationalized healthcare failed to protect them from.
There isn't, but I can appreciate the thought

The reality is these people will live lavish, privileged lives, screw over the average man their entire career, and probably be placed in a casket worth more than the average American's car when they eventually succumb to whatever ailment their nationalized healthcare failed to protect them from.

bang any fat chicks lately?