Going away for a week leaving 5 week old plants, what do I do?


I'm leaving my flat for a week and there is no way I can get anyone to look after my plants. I was looking for advice on methods of feeding them ? I've looked at wicks and so in but does anyone have experience in this and if so what's the best way to do it ?


Staff member
self watering system they sell them at like your local home store like canadian tire or home depot and a timer


Cheers guys I'm in the uk but I'll looks for the uk alternative versions the blumat solution looks good. That's similar to a wick ?


Well-Known Member
Blumats are basically a siphon. Stick the plastic tube in a reservoir of water and the ceramic diffuser cone in the soil. As the soil dries out, water gets pulled in as needed. I found you need a few in each pot, so that the watering is evenly distributed on all sides.