Going away.... How much water



I am leaving the house for 14 days .
I have a tent and 5 plants in these pots 3 Gallon Grow Bags

I have an adult person in the house BUT for reasons I cannot have them access the tent and check my soil and water
(autism is a bitch lacking a filter to whom they can talk about what is growing)

What I can do and have done is put 5 driplines (without dripper so mini hose) in a reservoir and the plants can be fed by adding water to the reservoir which will run straight through to my 5 plants.

I know this is far from ideal... but roughly how much water would a 6-8 week plant in a 11.35 Litres /3G growbag need per day/per 2 days

PLant in 3G growbag with soil
on top of IKEA coaster (1.5 cm high)
on driptray
(So normally I lean out excess water, I am now not able to do this)

Issue 1: not underwatering
Issue 2: overwatering to the extend my driptrays overflow into the bottom cover box of my tent (whatever you call that foldable tray as remaining water there will dramatically increase my humiity

Though my plant will most likely get a knock ... this is damage control
How much water does a plant aproximately need Hoping to minimaise over /under watering to a minimum.
Fan will go full blast (its overkill for my tent size to deal with possible excess humidity

I am leaving the house for 14 days .
I have a tent and 5 plants in these pots 3 Gallon Grow Bags

I have an adult person in the house BUT for reasons I cannot have them access the tent and check my soil and water
(autism is a bitch lacking a filter to whom they can talk about what is growing)

What I can do and have done is put 5 driplines (without dripper so mini hose) in a reservoir and the plants can be fed by adding water to the reservoir which will run straight through to my 5 plants.

I know this is far from ideal... but roughly how much water would a 6-8 week plant in a 11.35 Litres /3G growbag need per day/per 2 days

PLant in 3G growbag with soil
on top of IKEA coaster (1.5 cm high)
on driptray
(So normally I lean out excess water, I am now not able to do this)

Issue 1: not underwatering
Issue 2: overwatering to the extend my driptrays overflow into the bottom cover box of my tent (whatever you call that foldable tray as remaining water there will dramatically increase my humiity

Though my plant will most likely get a knock ... this is damage control
How much water does a plant aproximately need Hoping to minimaise over /under watering to a minimum.
Fan will go full blast (its overkill for my tent size to deal with possible excess humidity
Cant wait to see the answers on this one, lol. No idea, bigger pots would help.