Going BACK to 18/6 AFTER 12/12?

I was talking to a buddy the other day and he said when he was growing, when it was time or them to switch to the 12/12 cycle he would switch them and let them stay for a week or two until they all showed there sex. Then he would go back to 18/6. He said it made the buds fuller cause there was more light. This sounds kinda wonky. Anyone ever heard of this or tried it before?


Well-Known Member
lol my advise to you is not to listen to him anymore about growing. when u switch to 12/12 then switch back to 18/6 you will significantly lower your yield and you could even make your plant herm. there is no reason to cause your plant that stress. the hormones in the plant start to get messed up when you revert back.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make the buds "fuller". It's a way people can sex their plants so they don't have to wait until the plant is mature enough or take clones. You flip to 12/12 to trigger flowering so the plants show sex, pull the males , switch back to 18/6.