Going in to flower

did you give your plants veg nutes? have your plants been under any stress recently? id say start at 1/4 or 1/2 strength in a few days and work your way up. what kinda nutes are you going to use?


Miracle grow for veg and miracle grow ultra bloom 15-30-15 for flowering. I think I have a nitrogen problem right now. Should I wait and fix the problem first?
nitrogen deficiency or burn? nitrogen is far less important during flowering but you always wanna have as healthy plants as possibly especialy during flowering obviously. as for the miracle gro i would get different nutes if possible, the npp is really high for marijuana and makes it really easy to screw up. i personaly use foxfarm tiger bloom for flowering and its great i no alot of people on RIU would also agree.


Well-Known Member
That's what I use too(FFTB). So far I am very pleased with it. I'm also using molasses every orther watering. Plants are all healthy and flowering real nice now in about the fourth week. Can't wait til they finish!