Going on holiday, no 1 to watch plants, put vegging plants in window?


Active Member
I'm a legal grower. I have a few smaller plants in a tent and a closet. Ill be going on holliday for a week and start flower when i get back. I dont have anyone to watch my plants and am nervous leaving them under 18/6 lights and not being able to keep an eye on them. My window is a discreet sliding glass door and they wont be seen, but can i move them to the window water them well and take off? Its south facing and tons of light, if they start flowering when Im gone i dont care that actually would be good. Anyone have experience with this situation?
not a good idea to try to force a weeks worth of water down their throats, go to your local hardware and see if they have the little terra-cotta units you screw onto a soda bottle, like a cheap blumat. water your plants good first, then put one of those with a full bottle in each of your pots. they won't start releasing water till the soil dries out enough. if you can get the ones that'll take a two liter bottle, they ought to get you through a week, as long as your plants aren't huge. if they are, may need two per plant.

if they're close to flower, and the window doesn't get light all day, they'll probably start, as long as you're ok with that, no problem. you can hold it off with a small florescent or two on a timer, if you want. just set it to come on for a couple of hours in the middle of the night and it'll break the cycle enough to keep them from flowering, at least for a week.
if they're close to flower, and the window doesn't get light all day, they'll probably start, as long as you're ok with that, no problem. you can hold it off with a small florescent or two on a timer, if you want. just set it to come on for a couple of hours in the middle of the night and it'll break the cycle enough to keep them from flowering, at least for a week.[/QUOTE]
Oh thats a great idea! I already have those water globes I was going to fill them stick two in each and also water well, the CFL on a timer is a great idea never thought of that thanks!