

Well-Known Member
20161125_224803.jpg Hey peoples.

Quick question. My (Mystery Bean) is going yellow from the top down in flower. I'm a new grower. Is this day a Cal-Mag or pH issue? I feed/water at 6.3 in soil, coco, perlite mix. Usually watering every 4-5 days now.

Temps have been between 16 and 30°c. With Rh between 37-55%.

Any help would be apreciated.


Well-Known Member
Light is 90w full spectrum, tunable led. About 50cm away from plant canopy.
It gets fed 60ml of bokashi juice per 600ml of water. Feed is every second water. With 3-5 days between each watering. Usually pH'd to about 6.3.
Growing medium is mainly standard garden bed soil. Mixed with about 1/3 coco coir. And much less perlite than I needed.

This help?


Well-Known Member
plants going yellow from the top down is a nute deficiency, usually Sulphur. stop the bokashi for now and get a bottle of dynagrow 7-9-5. If you buy the quart, it's really too much because you only need 1/4 to 1/2 tsp in a gallon of water for a soil grow. So I'd suggest you find the 8 oz bottle, which can be found on amazon or maybe you're local hydro shop if they carry it. Call around and see if anyone does if you have stores close to you. Or you can order on amazon here:


Well-Known Member
Also. I'm not using so much bottled stuff. I'm trying to get the best I can from just soil ecology and naturally available nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Well that is a serious deficiency when the ENTIRE plant is affected. I say SHITCAN the bokashi juice ..l grab a nloom nute ( with all of the reccomended nutes your plant needs. )
That compost style " juice " is obviously lacking some important components. Since you are flowering , you need to fix this quickly as your yield and efforts will be tossed out the window.

There some organic based nute lines that will work just fine.