Hey guys. New on forums but not to the shenanigans in which we partake. However I am at a point where I'm lost. Had a very slight mildew issue abouthat a month and a half ago. Now from the bottom up and the middle out, fan leaves, followed by stalks, are dying. Never seen anything like this. Any input will be appreciated. Check out the pictures
I've checked the 100x. No mites.


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Well-Known Member
What is the medium they're planted in ? What have they been fed ? What are the temps and humidity like and yes, what did you spray them with ?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Did you mix sodium bicarb or potassium bicarb too strongly and use that?

That's what it looks like.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
From past grows red then purple leaf stem, leaf dying from tip to toe it was a bad case of PK deff.
The plant that I had it with was an afghani and refused to flower untill I sorted it out but I did it looked pritty similar but worse.


Well-Known Member
ok here's what I think happened.

I think the op found the mildew and went to get something to handle it with, picked up neem oil concentrate (possibly a sulphur spray) and then when mixing may have thought they needes some nutes? or maybe just found out about foliar feeding and mixed nutes in with the neem oil, adjusted with ph up and sprayed.

few reasons I feel this way..

the shinyness/coated look to the remaining green leaves.

the tip burn and edge burn on a lot of the leaves.

and the residue looks a lot likewhat hhappens when you mix bicarbs with something they bond with and the liquid dries out. you get that kind of dusty looking residue going.
Ran some pure kapow, Temps are sitting around 70*f. Was having the humidity issue before I got the 1700cfm fan replaced (these aren't the only gals.) So there was a stagnant air issue for only about a week.
Nute wise I'm running 2-1 water to nutes schedule. Advanced mostly with some GO Shit, along with a new Product called Mammoth. I'll get some more info on it for you guys in like an hour. Early veg, these bithese were bushes, now they're looking haggard lol should I run some round up/gasoline mix and set this fucker on fire? :fire:

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I looked again and not stoned now... Fuck me they are fucked lol unlucky mate its how we all learn. So when you the next man thinking of doing same as you.....
you know what to say to em.
One man's mistake is another man's knowledge.