Gonna start a scrog but just need to clear few things first!!!!

the real G

wots up peeps!! so as the title says i in the process oss settin up my new tent as was gonna try a scrog grow for the first time! have been doing alot off reading on the scrog but just need bit more advive before i go ahead! just wondering how hi my screen should be also as and wen do i weave the branchs(new growth) threw the screen any help would be great as i no some there some real pros on here so please guys dont be shy!
my tent will consist of a 4pot dwc system, gonna keep the res on outside of tent to help wit the water temp, using 400mh for veg 600w hps for flower, all air circulation should be spot on as fans hooked up to primair fan controller.

any think i need something else then please let me no plus rep for any info cheers guys G:leaf::leaf:

the real G

ok i just had a good read through that thread!! thanks alot flow its gonna help me out alot but still wanna do a 4 plant scrog my area is 1.5 sq so do ya think it would be sutible or not,also how tall do i let plants get before i ad screen cheers guys G

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
If that 1.5 sq ft is not a typing error, then I'd go with one plant.
You need at least 1 sq ft per plant in SCROG.
Height of the screen is usually 8 - 12 inches above the top of the pot.
Depends on the size of your forearms and biceps, as well as overall arm length really.
A female probably could do it at 6 inches.
Weave the branch tips under the screen to a selected hole.
Once it grows an inch or more above the screen, tuck it back under and guide it to the next hole.
I use a roll of plant ties with a built in cutter for like $6.
Same plastic coating over wire used to tie loaves of bread.
It's has about 100 feet or some shit to it.
Don't ties the branches too tight b/c they ae still growing and stretching too.
Just enough to keep them in place so-to-speak.
You don't filling the screen depending on the stretch of your plant and it's hybrid gentics.
Some only need 50% and others up to 75%.
2/3 (66%) is a good number to start.
I scrog and keep the screen only about eight inches off the lid of my container I don't even put the screen on till flowering. I usually flower them an inch or two before they hit the screen and start training them when the tops are about 2 inches above the screen then I just pull what's sticking out back user the screen, once your screen full let it go it varies plant to plant but scrog is awesome up your yield with the simplest thing ever I wouldn't even grow without a screen now. Hope that can help you some

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I've seen othes do it that way with success too, Captain Coast.
I may have to give that a go.
I think it would be very effective if you don't know the stretch of you plant.
Yeah bro between dwc and the screen upped my yield immensely and if a plant keeps stretching you just keep training also I run two of the same clone in one bucket tub just to fill my screen faster. Once you do it you won't look back I didnt
Really depends on the plant but I would say from an zip and a half to almost 4 I have a really. Good yielding older clone out of a pack of mix seeds from Joey weed thatll give me almost a quarter pound but if I grow my greenthumb bubba kush clone like an o and a half so really depends on the plant and veg time but I never veg for more than two full weeks from a rooted clone just to keep things small I run 4 tubs at a once there just sterilite containers that hold 2 gallons of water I have to top up every other day or so on them also I attach the screen to the lid for more stability for the plant plus if I wanna move something I can


Active Member
I think scroggings more of an art form or a philosophy than a strict discipline. I have big arms but I start my scrogs at about 4-5". When they get that tall, I put the screen on and start my first tie down. I use a 2" x 4" screen and don't weave through. I use the same bread tie material but I do all my ties on the top of the screen, I find it easier at harvest. I veg about 2 weeks and tie down about every 3 days during the stretch. I bend and manipulate like a madman to get bud sites. I use a 2.4 sq.ft screen under 400w and average about 1.5oz/sq.ft. this is 3 clones, Skunk var.,vegged 2 weeks and tied for the first 2 weeks of the stretch. I left this one to stretch a bit, about a week, without tying down to see how it would look. This is 18 days of 12/12 stretch is done and it's starting to set up.100_2397.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't weave or tie down my branches when I scrog. I'll use a plant yoyo or tie a branch to get it up closer to lights if it is a lower branch, but other than that, tying is not necessary. Also, try to avoid weaving the plant in and out of the screen. Just pull new growth back under.

the real G

I don't weave or tie down my branches when I scrog. I'll use a plant yoyo or tie a branch to get it up closer to lights if it is a lower branch, but other than that, tying is not necessary. Also, try to avoid weaving the plant in and out of the screen. Just pull new growth back under.
ok so wot your saying is once the plant is in veg lets say 10-14 days add the screen and dont weave but as new growth comes through the screen just pull back through and i guesing that once that bit starts growing back through i repeat the process!
sorry for q's but just wanna get things right thanks again for help guys! G
You don't have to put the screen on until the plants are higher than whatever you screen is I don't even put the screen on in veg. I just basically flower them at the height of the screen or an inch or two under and just use the stretch to fill the screen. And yea pull the branch back down under and when the branch grows more just pull that back under the screen once it's full just let it go and your basically left with a hedge of buds