Good Pest Control for Indoor Tent?


Well-Known Member
i have an indoor tent and my mite problem all started from a cclone i got from a buddy.. i had no idea about bugs because i had always kept my grows very clean... they went a while undetected and it has taken me almost 8 mos to get the upper hand... it resulted in trashing many mothers and starting over almost completely except for a few that i have been nursing back to a bug free life.. those little bastards are crazy.. i have been using a spray from my local shop called "End All" and it is organic and the SNS spider mite spray and also going through the ines i kept leaf by leaf which is very tedious but is paying off... after checking every day, every leaf for 2 weeks and bleaching my tent twice i am pretty much rid of my problem and almost back to happy grows once again.. but my only recommondation, if the problem is out of hand, is bite the bullet and trash the majority and keep only a few plants, prefferably clones because they are smaller and easier to go through leaf by leaf, but yeah spend the time and give the the extra TLC until the problem is gone... check the top and bottoms of every leaf and squish anything you see moving and spray once every 5-7 days... this is what worked for me and after i accepted biting the bullet i it only took me 2-3 weeks to get the upper hand of the situation.. keep it clean and keep it green!!!! happy growing.