good question please help


Active Member
iv got a few babies just days away from harvest and iv been noticing that i dont see as many crystals glimmering in the light as i did about 2 weeks ago could this be because i have been foliar feeding them(water only) or is it ok to foliar feed the plants when the buds are almost done??? any help would be much appreciated


Well-Known Member
should never foliar after 4th week of flowering(shouldnt be much need to anyways). way better chance of getting but rot. plus you want resin not water at harvest time. quicker drying. you could even go as far as to not water for 24 hrs before cutting down to shorten drying time


Well-Known Member
ya it just rained here an washed off some crystals on my girl, but not enough to notice really, it should produce some more crystals before you harvest.



Well-Known Member
the crystals arent supost to be water solubal... But I still dont foliar feed once the buds get decent sized for fear that the crystals will get washed off anyweay.... I can see how rain can break off the crystals but not how mist could really fuck with it...