Ive found one called the succulent source, but wondering if there’s any that are better. Looking for 2 12” cuttings, unless there’s a legal loophole to buy buttons....
Check local nurseries.
It is not illegal and often sold as ornamentals.
buy a piece and cut into slices 3 spines high. pack them on dry sandy soil and leave em for a month or so then lightly pick them up to check if they have roots yet... No water required
The best way to make more is to simply place a stump horizontally on the ground. The pups the horizontal root base creates grow exponentially faster than just planting the stumps upright.
I have a 3-foot piece I threw in a windowsill planter. Its pups are pushing 10-feet plus. Other vertical cuts of the same age are maybe 2 to 4 feet now.