good way to stop bugs?

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
how can i stop these little black bugs from eating buds without spraying shit on my buds that im gunna be smoking?


Active Member
You could try leaching them....but it will probably not get rid of them all together. Are they spider mites? if so you could google the closest place to you that sells ladybugs. Ladybugs will get rid of those suckers and not kill your plants....but not a lot of places have them for sale.
depends on what bugs but there are many diffrent natural ways you can cure any bug issue. Lady bugs are great! there are also predetor mites..Etc

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
lol wow lady bugs will stay chillin if i but them around my baby?? nd yeah i think there spyder mights... if u go to my page u can see my plant i have no bug pixs tho just a dumb beetle. lol
co2, bugs have small pores in their bodies that allows oxygen to get through there system they dont breath if the air is high in co2. they'll suffocate.

for a cheap co2 administrator add a packet of yeast from the store to two pounds of sugar in water in about a gallon container 7/8 of the way filled then take a knfie or a pin and heat it up and put a small hole in the cap and the yeast will creates c02 for about a week i have only one of these in a 2x6x2 area and its hard to breath in there


Active Member
look under your leaves and see if you see little black dots....those are spider mites. It may also look like someone splashed your plants with white paint or bleach....they basically suck the nutes out of the leaves....good luck


Active Member
ladybugs are on sale for 1000-1500 live at kmart and sear not even 5 mins away for only 15$ i nvr knew that unti l i just googled ladybugs for sale? wow thanks guys if i ever have a prob i kno where awesome :)


Active Member
since you are outside...this could be difficult. I had a buddy use dry ice one time and it could try and use some of the dry ice and totally fog your plants over. Dry ice fog is def. co2


Well-Known Member
get some aster flowers, and plant them in close proximity to your plant.
they are fantastic bug repellent indoors - not sure about outdoors but at least it will make your garden look pretty :)
seriously aster flowers do wonders. there is some sprays on the market based on the chemical released by aster plant

Another alternative is Pyrethrum, a natural pesticide derived from chrysanthemums. (you can plant those in your garden as well) It kills many insects and repels others. It should be sprayed in the evening. Do not combine with soap sprays. Diatomaceous earth, a mineral dust, can be found in most plant nurseries. It kills many insects; make sure you buy the kind specifically for gardens.

Also you can use ground or cut-up banana peels buried 2 inches deep around your plants to repel the aphids and keep them from attacking. Bananas also make great fertilizer because of their high potassium content.

Garlic deters the Japanese beetle and some other insects, and marigold discourages Mexican bean beetles, nematodes and other insects. Mint deters ants. Onions repel many insects. Petunias can be used as a companion to your ladies as well.

Natural gardening mate.