gopher wiped out one of my plants booooo


Well-Known Member
so I believe I had a gopher take out one of my plants last night I watered last night, my plant was nice n healthy I woke up today to all the leaves drooped to the stem I can only assume this is a gopher, I hadn't pulled it yet I was thinkin about letting it go and see if it comes back out of it, has anyone had any experience of a plant just up and dying on you could this be a gopher attack? shit blows my mind it was easily a 6 foot tall plant she was a big girl and blam overnight dead...any thoughts feel free to share cause im blown away


Active Member
This can be due to any number of problems, from a systemic disease, to heat stress, or even the assumed gopher. look the plant over, check for dark or black rings around its base, discoloration to the main trunk, a brown powdery substance on the larger stems, check soil for propper moisture or not enough drainage, if you have gopher holes- fill up about 10 5gal buckets and dump them down a hole, one after the other. the larger volume of water going down at one shot has a better chance of flooding out the gopher than using a hose


Well-Known Member
I know its not heat stress up in norcal we get 100+ weather n shes stood thru all of it, I looked at the base today no black rings or anything of that nature, all I did was water there was no ferts, and even so Im using all organics, (general organics) and she had good soil (happy frog) so it should have drained easily idk its crazy all my other ones are doin great but her on the otherhand I think shes done, the leaves are getting crispy :( she was a ken's GDP from seed....salute her...R.I.P. pretty girl!


Well-Known Member
BASTARDS! I feel your pain - I've lost a couple like that myself - perfectly healthy, watered one day, leaned over and drooped the next... I guess there's a reason people line their holes with wire... I just never got why the one plant got destroyed when the 6 or 7 in the same vicinity were left alone - I've seen the same thing with deer where one plant gets ravaged and the one right next to it doesn't.


Well-Known Member
I lost a nice one to goohers last yr half way though flower. All the rest where in 3 gal smart pots that I buried with no issues
They will get the rest one by one. Did a huge veggie garden to. 150 plants gone by mid summer. 1 by 1. They take their favorites first


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