Got a new outdoor problem actualy 2 of them need help.


Active Member
Hi everyone so I am back at it again for my 3rd year trying with auto fem fast grow (For our climate to try to make this work)

I have recently added gravity fed water drip to plants so they get watered a little every day as oposed to me once a week and / or mother nature.

So problem # 1:

I am unsure why I am getting some yellow leaves on plants and also these black spots on leaves:

or these spots:


Problem # 2:

I am using this gravity fed drip to try to add water / feed the plants but I keep having nozzles that plug up or stop running. Does anyone know of a solar powered pump system maybe I should use or can use something to increase reliability? effectivness?
Yellow leaves is typically a deficiency of some kind. Most likely nitrogen, especially if it starts with the lower leaves.

Second picture looks like insect nibbles. Not unusual outdoors. You cold try a foliar spray of potassium silicate (1 teaspoon per gallon of water), which discourages gnawing on leaves, or try neem oil (emulsify it in water then foliar spray).

Consider putting some mulch on top of that soil, helps hold water, keeps roots cool/damp on hot days, and encourages soil life.

p.s. Don't spray either of those things once flowering has started.
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Looks like thirps. Hit it with some BT. That top yellowing leaf also looks like spider mite shit. Could be just some dirt. Cannot tell by the top photo. I have fabric pots and I hit the edges of the pots with diatomaceous earth. Seems to keep the bugs down to a minimum. At least I don't see any web strings.
Yellow leaves is typically a deficiency of some kind. Most likely nitrogen, especially if it starts with the lower leaves.

Second picture looks like insect nibbles. Not unusual outdoors. You cold try a foliar spray of potassium silicate (1 teaspoon per gallon of water), which discourages gnawing on leaves, or try neem oil (emulsify it in water then foliar spray).

Consider putting some mulch on top of that soil, helps hold water, keeps roots cool/damp on hot days, and encourages soil life.

p.s. Don't spray either of those things once flowering has started.

Thank you, appreciated!
I will go back to grow shop to get some nitrogen additives / nutrient and yes it is on lower leaves only the yellowing and not on all the plants just some.

Same applies for the black spots I seen on 2 plants only.

$hit thing is they just started to flower

I wil add mulch in future grows, great idea. Now I need to figure out how to autoimate the drip line.
Those look rough.... that soil looks way too wet,.... I see you're watering but if it stays looking like that AFTER you've watered, you're Def drowning em...

It is only a couple of plants that look like this and they look wet because I just watered not even 10 seconds before pic.
THey get waterd once a week unless mother nature decides to rain and not much of that this year in the area so I added a drip line and aI cant seem to adjust the stupid thing right so it is not even dumping enough water to empty 45 G drum in a week. So No I dont think it is overwatering.