Hello Norcal, how you doing well. Well can i Know how far they are into flower? Like Mike said, use cal mag,. And another thing try to use at least twice a week some silica that will promote better heatlh and they will resist any kind of indoor weather, I mean im not talking 110 or sh!t like that but you know you help them a bit they will pay you back, what are ur temps? And if is to close to harvest (3 weeks left) well just try and do as best as you can as you said is only 2 out of 8 right?. No biggie, sh!t happens.
EDIT: I forgot to mention are those two plants the same strains as the others?, they have the same air flow as the rest or they end up on the worst spot of the room? Nutes much? How the buds looking?
Nor cali here aswell =)
-Mex 420