Got any thoughts??


Got a 2x5 tent that i build myself and sealed using black and white poly that I use for flowering. My girl inside is now 38'' in a 5 gal pot about 3weeks into flower and about six inches from the top of the tent and 3 inches from some 5T's. Anyway my problem is that I seem to be running out of space in my tiny tent, can anyone recommend some ideas other then building a larger tent, which is the only once I can come up with, or can I LST her some way? I added a pic I made so you can can the idea of my problem. Any advice would be seriously appreciated. drawn.jpg


Well-Known Member
This might sound weird, but ive done it a few dozen times when i get some branches just pissing me off going too close to the lights. Bend it over. Pick a spot to kink, pinch it with your fingers firmly so you crush the fibers a bit tween your fingers, than bend that bitch over 90 degrees, slowly, and let it be. I always make sure to bend it in a direction the plant is less full, balance things out. Kind of a scrog without the fence if you will. It'll grow a knuckle at the bend in a few days, and the bud/leaves will turn themselves upright in about an hour and be fine. I've taken a foot off of the overall height of a monster in a few minutes this way.


thx for the responses guys
I tried out super cropping and I took about a little less then a foot of the top of my girl and she seems to be recovering very nicely...
I hope this wont slow growth down, I've read that any applied stress in flower affects your yield weight
thx again and stay high:weed: