got lettece help


my shit is wilting looks like shit. running drip system. wondering if my roots are to big for my baskets???????????????:cry:


Well-Known Member
Everyone's not a supastah! If its only one, then he might just be the weak one of the bunch.

I agree w/smppro...i would fault check that dripper, hose, junction whatever flows thata way. I originally thought over or under water aswell until I read that its only one.


Active Member
Hey, you got any new grow journals Boneman? High quality grows are an increasingly rare commodity in these parts...


Well-Known Member
Nah man...sorry. Sidelined for a bit, but hang around - i'll be back. I can only be held down for so long ya know? :weed:

Hey, you got any new grow journals Boneman? High quality grows are an increasingly rare commodity in these parts...


was thinking that mabey i got root rot on it .
i m only using a 5 inch basket not having a problem with the 8 inch basket