Got my 1 plant growing which i didnt think would work and it did and now its fair big

Im Kieron

Hey guys my friend gave me a (special) seed, and i didnt think it would work and it did lol, so i started taking pictures of it growing, i just put it in soil and put a plastic chocolate eclaires case over it lol.
So one day i looked and it had a bit of roots, so i moved it to a plant pot and put a coke bottle with the bottom cut off over it in in my bedroom window, and its just grown on and on from there lol.
Then i put it it in a bigger pot and accidentally broke like 1 half of the roots off :( i was like damn itle never grow now but 2 weeks on its growing faster than ever lol, still just in my bedroom window.
So yeah umm ill put up the pictures i took of it along its way and what its like now, and im just wondering if people can tell me some stuff about it, ive never given it any fertilizer or anything, just the soil from a big bag of soil from b and q, water and sunlight from my bedroom window

Im basially wondering what i need to do with it lol, if its big enough to make it bud or if its even a guy or girl or something, i dont know what the difference is i think only the girls make buds? thanks anyone :)


keep it hidden from mommy and daddy the best you can. :)

the males have balls, you dont want that. Also maybe you should get some lighting and make a grow room, it isnt going to get much bigger just sitting in your window.


Well-Known Member
I know this is the newb section but if you want some help your going to have to do some reading for yourself. Were not here to spoon feed you, but to help if you have a question that hasn't been answered a million times. There are a million threads here that have every answer to any question you could ever think of, you just have to actually look first.

Your plant isn't going to do anything worth while sitting by a window with no nutes or actual lights. Get some actual lights and nutes and get to reading.


Well-Known Member
Put it outside in a spot you can find. But you better act fast on hiking. Or do what boston said "get some lighting and make a grow room,"!

Correct Females only produce the buds! No Nutes till like a month in or 3 weeks. good luck.
I know this is the newb section but if you want some help your going to have to do some reading for yourself. Were not here to spoon feed you, but to help if you have a question that hasn't been answered a million times. There are a million threads here that have every answer to any question you could ever think of, you just have to actually look first.

Your plant isn't going to do anything worth while sitting by a window with no nutes or actual lights. Get some actual lights and nutes and get to reading.
hahaha thats so funny. but i totally agree. learn to read, its easier than typing.


"hahaha thats so funny. but i totally agree. learn to read, its easier than typing. "

And reading prevents you from getting flamed.


first i would get some light then i would get a five gallon bucket and fill with soil then i would get a liquid fertilizer and follow the directions on it and pit it in my closet or like they said put it out side in a place were no one go's and only u know about. oh and and if you do move the plant into a 5 gallon bucket i would not change that pot any more because moving your plant to much causes stress and could cause you to get a male or even worst your plant could dye

Im Kieron

I have read a lot of posts everywhere but i thought its a better idea to post my pics and see what everyone thinks because i dont know what to do lol, its started growing very fast recently i can see the leaved getting bigger everyday, and i dont know what kind of light to get or where to get it, and if it takes a tonne of electric my dad will find out :/