Got really sick


Active Member
Man one time i was in class (grade 9 failed it so have to do it again) and i just smoked a shit load of weed before my class went in supper late teacher asked me wats wrong i told her i was sick. So im sitting in class with my head down trying not to look High then all of a sudden i almost vommited so i ran out my class went to the b-room and vommited out tons of spit and then shit like crazy.. and i have been smoking weed for like 3 years now and that was the 1st time (keep in mind im 16) so yea came back to class fucked outta my mind all my buddys knew i was high and they laughed there ass off when i told the teacher i was sick

(ps. is that normal to be sick while really high or? Reply if you want)


Well-Known Member
It's not uncommon to feel nausea after smoking alot of weed Toddstone. If you smoked more than you are accustomed to you probably started to pull a whitey, got the spins, felt the nausea and then couldn't hold it in anymore. The same thing happened to me when I was in highschool biology, smoked alot of weed got the spins, thankfully I didnt throw up, just had my head on my desk the whole class. Shitty deals eh