Got some leaf claws here need advice :)


I bought them this last Tuesday.They are under 600w lights but they are only on 450 atm for 13hrs.Only two of plants seem to be doing this(both White W).I water them when the soil dries out and have not fert. them yet. Humidity is around 30-35% and the temp is at 70. Im thinking it is a possible calcium problem but i could be mistaking.Im also trying to stay all organic so if it is a nutrient problem would you know of any good organic ferts that i could use? Thank you :shock:



well from what i hear around 68 is the best temp for them so i dont think it has too much to do with it? :P could be wrong but thanks good suggestion.


Well-Known Member
well from what i hear around 68 is the best temp for them so i dont think it has too much to do with it? :P could be wrong but thanks good suggestion.
Have never heard that before, always heard upper 70's w/o co2 and mid 80's with.

when my girls get a blast of cold air from an open door they sometimes curl.


Well-Known Member
So you just transplanted into ffof I believe you said how big are those pots
they look huge were the plants peaky before you transplanted into the bigger
pots I'm thinking they weren't ready for the ffof cause it's on the hot side
it has a strong dose of nutes in it when you get it if this is the case and those
plants don't make it you just jank'em and plant some more the same dirt but
wait till the plant are a little bigger cause this is what I think your problems
are coming from the fact that you put'em in the ffof too soooooo.........