got some seeds


How far would i have to plant them apart, so as to not pollinate each other, in the event i grow a male. I may not be able to check them often enough (there dikheds here). Soooo I gotta be careful.


Well-Known Member
Well depending on the wind and which direction its blowing and how hard anywhere from say 25 feet to 25 miles.


Well-Known Member
Start them indoors and sex them first. Or put one every 25 feet and hope for the best. The worst that could happen is you get seedy pot at least it'll be free.
You better move that male to another but seriously if you want to keep it put it in a seperate room and dont wear the same clothes that you have on when dealing with the male, when you enter your garden. pollen sticks to everything, which is why most peoplke trash the male unless breeding! happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
A mile apart or more without sexing...bees travel. Check and cut if say 25 feet.


Well-Known Member
A mile apart or more without sexing...bees travel. Check and cut if say 25 feet.
Pretty sure that Cannabis uses wind to pollinate... That's why there are no typical flowers. Also, the males grow much taller so that they start further up when the wind blows them.