Can citric acid cause leaf damage to young plants? I applied 3tsp/quart and the big plants didn't seem to mind it much but my smaller plants didn't respond well. The foliage was a little damaged the next day. Not horrendously, but observable. Usually I half any recommendation for pesticide on the first application and I failed to do so with the citric acid. I'd love to apply it again because I hear it works very well. I've noticed a dramatic reduction in mite eggs present on the foliage so I'd love to get the concentration dialed in properly for small ladies.
I'm glad you made this post because I almost bought an 8oz bottle of green cleaner. Horribly overpriced product. 8oz only makes 4 gallons and it was something like $33 on amazon. That'd barely cover my flower room twice. The ingredients seem like a mix of citric acid and insecticidal soap. I fried the shit outta many plants in my attempt to use safer soap. Even at 1/2 the recommended rate it fried the hell out of plants. I noticed several reviewers on amazon reporting fried plants after application of GC. Just say no to insecticidal soap. Bad stuff and one of the key ingredients in GC. No wonder people are frying their plants using it. I've caused more damage to my plants monkeying with insecticidal soaps than any other pesticide I've used. Sorry about the rant

Thanks for any info you can send my way dude.