gotta get this off my chest


Active Member
i'll give you a brief idea to as of what was currently going on until hell broke loose

Well, i done fucked up to many times in my life to count and for only being 18 its definitely a burden.its kind of obvious i wasn't the perfect kid and was always causing some type of hell for just about anybody.i've always gotten into trouble some way somehow..almost like a little problem child when i was younger for the most arrested last november for smokin weed went on probation for 2 1/2 months.we had a oz but already smoked a half and the pigges found that.time before that my mom caught me bagging out a half oz (some real good dank to) but i started selling weed again b/c i quit my last job.i get my o's for a bill.and where im at thats not to bad at all for some reg/schwagg.most pay about 120.but i had a nice profit coming along and all.was flipping it about every other day.already sold 5 1/2 oz since about the past week and a half.

BUt anyways, i get a phone call a few hours ago form my dad telling me to get homeby myself and he had to talk to me.well i get home and he tells me how the "printer was jammed".i instantly knew right off the bat he found my stash.just got a oz of some of the best weed i've seen in a while to.didn't even get a chance to smoke any of it either.all of it was in the most beautiful of nuggs.almost like chicken nuggets if you must say.i had them all put into dime bags to.he tells me how he found it and is disappointed b/c he thought i had already learned my lesson and all this other stuff.then my mom found out and nearly shit bricks.might i add she wanted to throw me out the house for a good while to.well my dad took it all out and flushed it.:fire::wall::finger::cuss::shock::evil:i couldnt even watch,i tried taking some but he caught me here to.i of course denied i was lolso here iam 18 just graduated and about to start school in the thinking it would be best if i were to move out and get an apartment or rent a house out with my be honest..i really dont see me quiting smoking weed for any1 just about.only xcept for some major or crucial stuff which would probably never happen anyways.and my dad said if he didnt flush it he was just gonna call the cops of me (his own son) and have me arrested.and i told him "alright dad, i can see why since im selling it.but if i just had it in a bigger bag, wouldn't you be less mad cause im just using it for my own enjoymen?" but he doesn't know its mine i blamed it on my other friend who never even comes around.well hes only been to my house about 3 times and my parents really didn't like him to begin with and i didnt either im shit out of 100$ i just spent earlier and with no weed,my scales gone and my stash "emergency blunt" to.........but atleast i got my plant out in the woods though


Active Member
yeah dude shits really suckin right now.but where i had was 1 of the best easiest fastest places i could have was guaranteed that if somebody were just looking for it they wouldn't of found it.but go figure whenever my dads goes to print somethin then that happens


Active Member
hah.. my mom flushed my oz in gr.10... cept good shit goes for 180-200 here and i lost about 180. and my scale

and im also 18 and just graduated... and i got caught with an oz and a scale from the piggies...also had alcohol...

in all that cost me about.. lets see.... 400 dollar fine.... 180 for that ounce... 30 dollar scale.... got my alcohol ticket down to 40.

so over 600 bucks for that... and the 10 beer they took from me.

consider urself lucky... and there are people way worse off then me... so i consider my self lucky every day

Spoony Da Dro Man

Active Member
Hey man just be careful- stay one step ahead. Dont get a criminal record like me I cant get a job anywhere now. Your young as hell dont fuck your future up bro. You can do what you do but use caution. A thinking man has few regrets. Peace


Well-Known Member
Just get another regular job bide your time go to school get a decent job THEN start growing like a mofo in your own house.
Selling/growing like you are now won't get you anywhere but prison and you're just an inch away from actually making something of your life.

my 2cents


Active Member
i'll give you a brief idea to as of what was currently going on until hell broke loose

Well, i done fucked up to many times in my life to count and for only being 18 its definitely a burden.its kind of obvious i wasn't the perfect kid and was always causing some type of hell for just about anybody.i've always gotten into trouble some way somehow..almost like a little problem child when i was younger for the most arrested last november for smokin weed went on probation for 2 1/2 months.we had a oz but already smoked a half and the pigges found that.time before that my mom caught me bagging out a half oz (some real good dank to) but i started selling weed again b/c i quit my last job.i get my o's for a bill.and where im at thats not to bad at all for some reg/schwagg.most pay about 120.but i had a nice profit coming along and all.was flipping it about every other day.already sold 5 1/2 oz since about the past week and a half.

BUt anyways, i get a phone call a few hours ago form my dad telling me to get homeby myself and he had to talk to me.well i get home and he tells me how the "printer was jammed".i instantly knew right off the bat he found my stash.just got a oz of some of the best weed i've seen in a while to.didn't even get a chance to smoke any of it either.all of it was in the most beautiful of nuggs.almost like chicken nuggets if you must say.i had them all put into dime bags to.he tells me how he found it and is disappointed b/c he thought i had already learned my lesson and all this other stuff.then my mom found out and nearly shit bricks.might i add she wanted to throw me out the house for a good while to.well my dad took it all out and flushed it.:fire::wall::finger::cuss::shock::evil:i couldnt even watch,i tried taking some but he caught me here to.i of course denied i was lolso here iam 18 just graduated and about to start school in the thinking it would be best if i were to move out and get an apartment or rent a house out with my be honest..i really dont see me quiting smoking weed for any1 just about.only xcept for some major or crucial stuff which would probably never happen anyways.and my dad said if he didnt flush it he was just gonna call the cops of me (his own son) and have me arrested.and i told him "alright dad, i can see why since im selling it.but if i just had it in a bigger bag, wouldn't you be less mad cause im just using it for my own enjoymen?" but he doesn't know its mine i blamed it on my other friend who never even comes around.well hes only been to my house about 3 times and my parents really didn't like him to begin with and i didnt either im shit out of 100$ i just spent earlier and with no weed,my scales gone and my stash "emergency blunt" to.........but atleast i got my plant out in the woods though
wow man, sounds like your going through some heavy shit....
damn man, i think it might be time to grow up
so your parents took your weed big deal, maybe it's time to stop smoking for a while so you can focus on school and get a good job whenever you graduate
it's a hard world out there and your not gonna make a living selling dimes to your buddies
so go to school, study, actually try
get a job so you can save up some money to support yourself, show your parents that you're responsible and can pay for your own shit and maybe they'd trust you a little more
and if you still wanna sell a little on the side to make some xtra money do it..
but be smart about it, don't hide shit in your parents house
just throw all your shit in a jar and bury it in the woods
keep a few dimes on you and when you sell those hit up the jar
everything happens for a reason mayn, sometimes you just have to stop what your doing take a step back and think about what you really wanna do with your life and where the road your headed on now is gonna take you

sorry for the rant, but i'm just trying to give you some advice i wish someone had given me a long time ago


Well-Known Member
wow man, sounds like your going through some heavy shit....
damn man, i think it might be time to grow up
so your parents took your weed big deal, maybe it's time to stop smoking for a while so you can focus on school and get a good job whenever you graduate
it's a hard world out there and your not gonna make a living selling dimes to your buddies
so go to school, study, actually try
get a job so you can save up some money to support yourself, show your parents that you're responsible and can pay for your own shit and maybe they'd trust you a little more
and if you still wanna sell a little on the side to make some xtra money do it..
but be smart about it, don't hide shit in your parents house
just throw all your shit in a jar and bury it in the woods
keep a few dimes on you and when you sell those hit up the jar
everything happens for a reason mayn, sometimes you just have to stop what your doing take a step back and think about what you really wanna do with your life and where the road your headed on now is gonna take you

sorry for the rant, but i'm just trying to give you some advice i wish someone had given me a long time ago
+ rep

This guys right man, this shit aint heavy. U got busted with quite a bit of ganj and ur parents dont want it in their home, not ev.1 agrees with weed unfortunately (and alot agree even less with dealers!)

Get ur life sorted first of all man, do u really want to be a drug dealer for the rest of ur life? That sort of shit might seem cool now but gets ALOT more serious when u get older.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your shit... its sad when weed is wasted like that.. especially good weed..

but hiding your stash in a printer, a public printer in your house, where at some point it was bound to get used, is a bad idea... i used to use an oven to hide my stash.. until i came home one day and my drunk ass room mate turned the oven on without removing the bud (half pound or better) from the oven... i lost a couple ounces.. but learned my lesson..

you should be thankful that shit isnt any worse for you.. trust me when i say they can get a WHOLE lot worse than that.. you still have a place to live... your not in jail.. you can always buy more weed and more scales and start up again.. just get your shit together first..

your 18 and you have a lot of life ahead of you.. dont fuck it up because your impatient or too lazy to get a new job... get through school, get a job, get your own place, then you are free to do as you please...


Well-Known Member
so ur parents are mad cause ur dealing drugs outta THEIR home?i think the better question is why didnt they kick you out them some respect and go tell them the truth.rattin ur socalled friend out as an excuse is up.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
lmao you think your goin through shit lmao ha........ thats funny .... if those are your big worries then your lucky.... im 18 and dropped out lmao
i only dropped out cuz there was no way of gettin to school lmao , i fuckin went to jail a few times and im still dealin with probation for agrivated assult w/ deadly weapon and batery on my dad but he deserved it only reason i went to jail was cuz he was the fucked up bad lmao . consider yourself lucky cuz even tho i lived on a fuckin backporch with the mosquitos i fuckin love my life cuz now im 18 and aint got no abusive piece of shit on my back lmao .... good luck tho... everyone has low times ,,,i still aint been caught with nothin and i beens sellin worse things than bud since i was 14 lmao stach that money tho you shoulda seen the look on my dads face when i pulled up with a brand new truck haha , but gotta know how to clean a little money lmao ...... do what makes you happy life is short so have some fun

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
i'll give you a brief idea to as of what was currently going on until hell broke loose

Well, i done fucked up to many times in my life to count and for only being 18 its definitely a burden.its kind of obvious i wasn't the perfect kid and was always causing some type of hell for just about anybody.i've always gotten into trouble some way somehow..almost like a little problem child when i was younger for the most arrested last november for smokin weed went on probation for 2 1/2 months.we had a oz but already smoked a half and the pigges found that.time before that my mom caught me bagging out a half oz (some real good dank to) but i started selling weed again b/c i quit my last job.i get my o's for a bill.and where im at thats not to bad at all for some reg/schwagg.most pay about 120.but i had a nice profit coming along and all.was flipping it about every other day.already sold 5 1/2 oz since about the past week and a half.

BUt anyways, i get a phone call a few hours ago form my dad telling me to get homeby myself and he had to talk to me.well i get home and he tells me how the "printer was jammed".i instantly knew right off the bat he found my stash.just got a oz of some of the best weed i've seen in a while to.didn't even get a chance to smoke any of it either.all of it was in the most beautiful of nuggs.almost like chicken nuggets if you must say.i had them all put into dime bags to.he tells me how he found it and is disappointed b/c he thought i had already learned my lesson and all this other stuff.then my mom found out and nearly shit bricks.might i add she wanted to throw me out the house for a good while to.well my dad took it all out and flushed it.:fire::wall::finger::cuss::shock::evil:i couldnt even watch,i tried taking some but he caught me here to.i of course denied i was lolso here iam 18 just graduated and about to start school in the thinking it would be best if i were to move out and get an apartment or rent a house out with my be honest..i really dont see me quiting smoking weed for any1 just about.only xcept for some major or crucial stuff which would probably never happen anyways.and my dad said if he didnt flush it he was just gonna call the cops of me (his own son) and have me arrested.and i told him "alright dad, i can see why since im selling it.but if i just had it in a bigger bag, wouldn't you be less mad cause im just using it for my own enjoymen?" but he doesn't know its mine i blamed it on my other friend who never even comes around.well hes only been to my house about 3 times and my parents really didn't like him to begin with and i didnt either im shit out of 100$ i just spent earlier and with no weed,my scales gone and my stash "emergency blunt" to.........but atleast i got my plant out in the woods though
The past is the past, but why are you still trying to rationalize your drug use with your parents? This is kids stuff

Get your own place if you want your freedom, and privacy. Simple


Active Member
Just get another regular job bide your time go to school get a decent job THEN start growing like a mofo in your own house.
Selling/growing like you are now won't get you anywhere but prison and you're just an inch away from actually making something of your life.

my 2cents
yeah dude thats definitely what my plan hoping by spring have to have everything situated


Active Member
yeah i start school sept 6th or 7th idunno.but my parents did end up finding out it was my shit.they said there pretty let down but i tihnk im gonna hold off the the smokin for alittle bit.atleast until i harvest my plant in the 1st week or 2 of october.but i figure i'll only be in school for 4 month ( trade school) for welding.i can be a level 4 and cetified to.i figure i'll get a job now save up some money.and go from there..but for future references im done selling til im moved out forsure.its not worth it anymoe really....part that really sucks is i just that oz to and just lost all my momey and didnt even try it but oh well