government grants


Well-Known Member
The government gives away free grants to American citizens for all kinds of things, right? well today I thought that I should apply for some and receive free money. but I went online and saw that I have to order software or some shit...But I'd only have to pay shipping and handling.

Does anyone have any information to share regarding these grants or do you have personal experience? as in have you ever received free money from the government.

and also, would you know where I could apply for some without ordering software? I'd probably have to pay shipping for any forms anyway though.

if you want to read about some...the first thing I read that sparked my interest was this,

then this,

idk if these are scams or anything, but the idea of free money is very enticing.
Go to the school you are in, or want to go to. Talk to the people in the financial aid department. What do you mean School "And shit"? The government won't give you money for "And shit"
well for one that picture of the chick on the right hand side is from the TV show the OC, might not be her but it sure as hell looks like it