Government of Canada Announces Consultation on Proposed Excise Duty Framework for Cannabis Products


Well-Known Member
They can ignore this one just like they have the rest....It's going to a couple of media outlets, too.

I am growing increasingly confused and disturbed at the way cannabis legalization is unfolding. While taxation is an inevitable component for sale of a retail product, the constant demands from the provinces for increased funding is baffling. When a product is made legal for sale after a century of prohibition, it should result in less demand on police resources, not more. Cannabis has been widely used by hundreds of thousands of Canadians for 100 years, and most of the resulting police interaction has been in enforcing prohibition. There are no statistics available to show that cannabis related policing resulted in an unreasonable strain on resources during prohibition, what can justify millions of dollars in extra funding to police something that is legal?

In contrast, alcohol cost the provinces billions in police, court and health care resources, is widely abused by our youth and is a leading cause of death and disease, yet I don't hear the provincial government cries for special 'alcohol enforcement resources'. Cannabis is not a new product, most people who want to use it, already are. In states that have legalized, they showed virtually no increase in use and it will be no different here. Likewise, those that choose to use and drive are already doing so, so if it was the public safety concern it is being made out to be, we would have statistic to support that. I have not been able to obtain any such information despite numerous requests.

My biggest concern involves your stated intent to keep cannabis out of the hands of youth and take the money away from the black market. Nothing you have proposed will have the intended effect and in fact will work to bolster the black market.

The main issue is the cost. A gram of high-grade cannabis goes for about $5 on the street and cheaper if bought in bulk. The lowest grade gram from a licensed producer is a minimum of $8 and an equivalent quality gram going for $12 or more. With your proposed 10% excise tax, 5% gst and provincial taxes (Alberta has suggested another 10%) , that gram is now close to $16 or more than 3 times the street price. The black market will thrive and cannabis will remain easily available to youth.

I believe the true intent of the legalization framework, including the added police resources, is designed to protect the turf of the new dealers. There are far too many former politicians, top cops and government insiders currently in top positions with the various licensed producers for it to be a coincidence. When opportunities are limited to companies hand-picked by current politicians and government bureaucrats, it's interesting that those opportunities go to former politicians. They include past premiers, an RCMP commissioner, a sitting senator and a former prime minister, among many, many more. Even if it was some strange coincidence, the optics are really, really bad. Add with the increased criminal penalties, overly restrictive rules and increased funding for enforcement, it takes on the appearance of Ottawa simply attempting to facilitate their chosen few to become the exclusive cannabis dealers nation wide. And they are using taxpayer money to protect their turf. True legalization would mean equal opportunities for all Canadian entrepreneurs, not just the well-connected. Common sense would dictate that creating the maximum number of employment opportunities in any new industry should be a priority for any government. There are regions in this country, parts of BC come to mind, that have a booming black market in growing cannabis and would benefit by having these people go legitimate. A 'craft grower' industry would create employment, offer consumers a local choice and reduce the number of growers supplying the black market. All product would be subject to the same laboratory testing and quality control assurances as the big producers.

I can't think of any other industry that requires government approval to participate in. If it is not purposely designed that way to protect the business interests of the licensed producers and their government-connected executives, then Canadians deserve an explanation. It sure has the appearance of back-room deals and corruption, and is not a good look for a government who promised a change.

The cannabis framework, as it is currently designed, will not achieve the intended objectives, will unfairly limit opportunities for normal Canadians, and is overly restrictive, especially when compared to much more dangerous alcohol. All of these things will result in court challenges, costing Canadians millions of dollars in un-needed legal fees.

I had great hopes of Canada setting an example for the world, and instead we're poised to be embarrassed by having those who use to prosecute us, now becoming our dealers.


Well-Known Member
I got an auto reply...I'm thinking I'll do a foi request for the minutes of the consultation meetings and see how much consideration was given....
La version française suit.

Thank you for participating in the Government of Canada’s consultations on the proposed excise duty framework for cannabis products.

Your submission will be reviewed and will help inform decision making in this important area of public policy.


Nous vous remercions de participer aux consultations du gouvernement du Canada sur la proposition de cadre du droit d'accise sur les produits du cannabis.

Nous examinerons votre présentation qui contribuera à la prise de décisions dans ce domaine important de la politique publique.


Well-Known Member
Id say go forward with the ROI. The canned response is clearly their way of expediting things in regards to not having to answer each individual email in order to save time. But what are the odds theyre going to put in hundreds of man hours combing through thousands of emails for recommendations.

Even the whole direction they've taken legalization in comparison to what was recommended Parliament follow as a frame work ( allowing mom and pop into the market) shows a lack of wanting to listen to any input on the matter.
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Well-Known Member
the consultation period was a huge waste of taxpayer money....
they had already decided how their scam was going to play out and were going thru the motions
to appear to be listening, and offering up suggestions....meanwhile the back rooms were all a buzz of
clandestine deals and slight of hand.


Well-Known Member
There has to be at least one investigative reporter left in this country who could gain notoriety in exposing illicit backroom deals involving members of the Trudeau government.


Well-Known Member
Sadly new age journalism isnt about investigative reporting. It's about getting the story out the quickest and getting the most clicks. They can retract any misinformation at a later date after profiting from ad revenue. Fucken sad day and age


Well-Known Member
There has to be at least one investigative reporter left in this country who could gain notoriety in exposing illicit backroom deals involving members of the Trudeau government.
What about the guy that wrote harpies bio...I call it a


Well-Known Member
There has to be at least one investigative reporter left in this country who could gain notoriety in exposing illicit backroom deals involving members of the Trudeau government.
as well as all the other issues you deny are happening because you cannot read them on cbc or any mainstream gagged new media


Not a fan of how trudeau is rolling this out. They are allegedly adding a levy of $1/gram on top of the 13% sales tax (or whatever tax you're paying in your province).


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of how trudeau is rolling this out. They are allegedly adding a levy of $1/gram on top of the 13% sales tax (or whatever tax you're paying in your province).
Not allegedly unfortunately, they are planning on imposing the tax of $1/ gram on purchases up to $10 or 10% of the overall sale. Whichever amounts to more. Id be willing to bet that a majority of strains will be above $10/gram. Plus all their taxes will put it well above the BM prices. So much for eliminating the BM. That was never the intention though. Create a program which relies on a monopoly served by LPs. Let them get rich for a few years before they correct any issues