

New Member
well to me this is it...i think that the best government we can have as a whole is comunizm....sorry to say i think it is the most fair....we as a people cannot decide our own fates as a whole...people can be to easliy swade to vote one way or the other without knowing the laws,facts,or agenda's...with comunizm everyone is equal there are not multi million doller celeb's an dirt poor teachers..everything you need is given to you by the goverment..some people think this is wrong but it would be one less thing to worry about if you didn't need to worry about gettin mugged for your money or haveing your house broke into everyone has the same as long as the goverment is wealthy the people will be wealthy...


New Member
well to me this is it...i think that the best government we can have as a whole is comunizm....sorry to say i think it is the most fair....we as a people cannot decide our own fates as a whole...people can be to easliy swade to vote one way or the other without knowing the laws,facts,or agenda's...with comunizm everyone is equal there are not multi million doller celeb's an dirt poor teachers..everything you need is given to you by the goverment..some people think this is wrong but it would be one less thing to worry about if you didn't need to worry about gettin mugged for your money or haveing your house broke into everyone has the same as long as the goverment is wealthy the people will be wealthy...
There are some aspects of communism that appeal to me, the government being the least. Be prepared to incur the wrath of the nazi right wingers on the site, the mention of the word communism drives them into a frenzy, ~LOL~.


Active Member
I gotta admit, the theory of communism is appealing, but there can never be a perfect government because there will always be people involved. I think what we got going now is the best of all the governments out there (not to say a better government couldn't come about), whether its working the way it should is a completely different question.


New Member
well since we live in a capitalist everything is decided on with since money is called capitol....i think the country is runnin just the way it was intended...


Well-Known Member
There are some aspects of communism that appeal to me, the government being the least. Be prepared to incur the wrath of the nazi right wingers on the site, the mention of the word communism drives them into a frenzy, ~LOL~.
Actually marxist theory states that communism in its ultimate form is the absence of state. its interesting philosophically, and is very different to historical communism (stalinism and leninism) which are fraudulent and unsuccesful socialist dictatorships.


Well-Known Member
Communism denies individuality.
No type of government can be applied in a "pure" human beings are necessary to administrate.
Sure, certain aspects of Communism look appealing on paper, but in reality, because it deprives its citizens of basic is a soul sucking malignant evil.
Utopia is not attainable....
If you look at the sordid history of mankind and the relative success of various forms of government...which one has done the most for more of its people?

Freedom is the most important aspect of human existence.


New Member
with freedom comes poor deciusion's.....if most people had decioun's made for them mabee some of the shit we see would stop.....bnecause when people are free to do as they like dumb shit occur's people war over the most trival things....


New Member
AzGrow ...

Do a little research on communism in the United States and you'll see that we did have communism here. Jamestown, one of our first colonies, was founded upon communistic principles. When the early settlers of Jamestown started starving to death, they decided to turn to free markets and capitalism. After that, they flourished.



New Member
i doubt this had do with the fact of government but did have to do withthe facts of the agricurtual...but i will look this up thank you...


Well-Known Member
Communism works really well if you don't let the Miltary run it, Because if the Miltary runs it the country will always be in a war to make money to support everyone and sometimes the people don't want a war or fight they just want to live, thats why Russia fell and other Communist country.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Everything given to you by the goverment? Wow that\'s insane. Have you ever thought that if they give you everything, they can also take away everything. That whole thing about everything handed to you, seems awfull lazy. A lazy people, are a poor people. God Bless America!


New Member
Everything given to you by the goverment? Wow that\'s insane. Have you ever thought that if they give you everything, they can also take away everything. That whole thing about everything handed to you, seems awfull lazy. A lazy people, are a poor people. God Bless America!
I'm not here promoting communism but I beg to differ with the "poor people are lazy people" I've known many poor people that worked their asses off and struggled every day to put food in their familys mouths, good decent poor people, so come down off you high horse with the I'm better than thou crap. You got lucky my friend,hard work was the least of it.


Well-Known Member
Everything given to you by the goverment? Wow that\'s insane. Have you ever thought that if they give you everything, they can also take away everything. That whole thing about everything handed to you, seems awfull lazy. A lazy people, are a poor people. God Bless America!

Hey Indie,you really should read some Rousseau, great stuff!interestingly, in his conception of the State he contradicts everything you say in one way of another. Ever heard of democracy? Quite a concept...


New Member
Democracy = The most evil form of government ever devised by Man.

Thank God we have a Representative form of government.



Well-Known Member
the government will always be wrong but as long as individuals are willing to pawn off any part of their responsibility to one another it will be there, sucking the life out of everyone of us.



Well-Known Member
\"A lazy people, are a poor people\" Is what I said, not \"poor people are lazy people\". Quote me correctly, jack ass. That\'s more Diarrea of the mouth on your part\'. Don\'t try to bastardise the truth, If you want to succeed, stop bitching and whining, and do somthing. America is a Representative Republic, not a Democracy there Matias, try again. Liberals and Communist all have it wrong, they can\'t accept it, but history proves it. History is Quite a Concept too.


Well-Known Member
So Indie you can become Rich if you work really hard and you keep your mouth shut. Sounds like the man's bull shit to me for the fact that the hard working people at the companys are some of the lowest pay'd people and yes this did happen to me when i worked at a warehouse, The manger just sat his lazy ass down and told us what to get and he got paid well over 150,000 and where as i got paid 8 bucks an hour and if it wasn't for us warehouse people the company couldn't ever make money but did we get are part for working hard no!:peace: