Well-Known Member
Representative Republic, not a Democracy there Matias, try again. Liberals and Communist all have it wrong, they can\'t accept it, but history proves it. History is Quite a Concept too.
First and foremost Liberalism is not a political standpoint, it's an economic one. I find it odd that republicans call democrats ''liberals'' when they are so obsessed with liberty themselves ( I can get deep into the philosophical subject of liberty too, for what liberty is there when the people have no means of expressing it, liberty is worth nothing if you are unabe to survive.)... quite an issue of terms construction.
\''evil'' / ''sucking the life out of everyone of us''/ ''have it all wrong''/
Those sound like dogmatic phrases to me.... boooooo, scary communism with it's sharp pointy theeth, it's going to kill us all..
if you actually read some Marx or Engels, Indie , you would understand (as I stated in my first post) that communism as a concept has little if nothing to do in with the experience of the soviet union (a fascist dictatorship), if I think that it is actually a theory that can be applied is besides the point...
Democracy has also little to do with the revolutionnary concept of communism... democracy can be conceived in a representative governement,,,What is wrong with a State that takes into account each individual as an undivisible part of the whole, why let others run your own affairs.. I see nothing wrong with a concept that has equality of rights and representation as a pillar of its theory.. In a practice a Representative republic is a form of democracy (USSR is not) demos= power, cratein=people... its as simple as that. (democracy in america by Tocqueville, great book, written in the 18th century)...
You are right history IS quite a concept , and democracy is something our civilisation has strived too achieve since ancient GREECE.
When was I ever defending communism ? Don't take wrong im just trying to clear up some evident confusion of terms here.
First and foremost Liberalism is not a political standpoint, it's an economic one. I find it odd that republicans call democrats ''liberals'' when they are so obsessed with liberty themselves ( I can get deep into the philosophical subject of liberty too, for what liberty is there when the people have no means of expressing it, liberty is worth nothing if you are unabe to survive.)... quite an issue of terms construction.
\''evil'' / ''sucking the life out of everyone of us''/ ''have it all wrong''/
Those sound like dogmatic phrases to me.... boooooo, scary communism with it's sharp pointy theeth, it's going to kill us all..
if you actually read some Marx or Engels, Indie , you would understand (as I stated in my first post) that communism as a concept has little if nothing to do in with the experience of the soviet union (a fascist dictatorship), if I think that it is actually a theory that can be applied is besides the point...
Democracy has also little to do with the revolutionnary concept of communism... democracy can be conceived in a representative governement,,,What is wrong with a State that takes into account each individual as an undivisible part of the whole, why let others run your own affairs.. I see nothing wrong with a concept that has equality of rights and representation as a pillar of its theory.. In a practice a Representative republic is a form of democracy (USSR is not) demos= power, cratein=people... its as simple as that. (democracy in america by Tocqueville, great book, written in the 18th century)...
You are right history IS quite a concept , and democracy is something our civilisation has strived too achieve since ancient GREECE.
When was I ever defending communism ? Don't take wrong im just trying to clear up some evident confusion of terms here.