GR City attorney does a complete 360 on decriminalization

Rare D MI

New Member
Meh, still puts it in the hands of the police. Think Grand Rapids police want to but people for an oz. of weed?


Well-Known Member
GRPD still LOVES using ANY amount of weed as a predicate to get you on anything else...i can't believe i'm saying this but i've seen more leniency from Kent count sheriffs and local MSP. I normally don't get to into the legal side of this anymore because i am already that disenfranchised with it but i put up this article because of how ridiculous this whole thing has become in the city with these officials.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could say that I'm shocked.

I'm so turned off by politics/politicians in this country. They no longer even hide the fact that they don't give a shit what the average voter wants. They work on behalf of their corporate masters, not you and I.