maybe its because its not natural to keep it in veg? Some one may know a bit more?I know of nobody that has succeeded, many have tried. Myself included. Pretty sure the plant doesn't like it
haha, ok, ask away then. Guess I don't know enoughmaybe its because its not natural to keep it in veg? Some one may know a bit more?
that's excactly what i was thinkingInteresting, I was just discussing this with a friend last week. He has been in landscaping and nursery's for over 25+ years, and was explaining how they graft trees, like mentioned above, and it got my stoner brain thinking about grafting the strains i want to keep with limited space to house my mothers. i have about 6 strains, very small mothers, crammed under a 400 MH. if i could graft these strains to one plant in a pot, or even all 6 strains to 2 mothers in 2 pots.
This plant never ceases to amaze me at what can be done with it...![]()
What do you have to gain especially for an annual? I think many are missing the reason some of us graft (and I do a lot of it). It's to first identify a rootstock that unlike the scion has the predisposition to uptake nutrients and water that the scion is incapable of. I've grown about every kind of cannabis genotype out there and have NEVER found one that has an uptake, nutritional issue if grown correctly.
I graft citrus to a dwarfing rootstock called Flying Dragon which not only imparts cold hardiness but up to 60% dwarfing to the scion. I graft avocados sourcing the finest gourmet budwood from all over the world to a rootstock that will stand up to my super hard well water while performing extremely well for the scion regarding nutrition. My vineyard clones which are also the best from Italy, France, etc. are on a rootstock that imparts vigor, late budbreak, and loves our limey soil which pretty much negates chlorosis issues common to alkaline soils. See where I'm going with this?
Mainliner, you can't compare 5 scions grafted to one selected apple rootstock to cannabis. That apple rootstock has been developed, or selected if you will, over many years of observation and testing for certain purposes...... mainly for its dwarfing characteristics and resistance to certain pressures like root knot nematodes.
Apples and oranges......
Also, along with your friend's apple tree comes unexpected consequences the main one being one or more of the scions being dominant over some of the others.
Uncle Ben
I don't think that's what UB meant with being dominant, grafting is not a means of transferring genetics. At least not directly. The DNA exchange is restricted to the contact zone between stock and scion, and not as far as between scions.So, are you implying here that it would be a waste of time to graft several strains to one mother root zone, because it would eventually pull one strain characteristics to be more dominant anyway???
I honestly do not know, and am purely asking....for more knowledge. thank you
Interesting!! Thanks for the response, Honestly i don't know what the stock or scion means either. Grafting is just something I have heard of until i read this post. my fantasy was to take 1 of my mothers, say my silver kush, and trim her a bit. At the same time, cut a clone the way i always do off of, lets say my Dinachem mother. Now take that dinachem clone and graft it to the spot i just trimmed off the silver kush.I don't think that's what UB meant with being dominant, grafting is not a means of transferring genetics. At least not directly. The DNA exchange is restricted to the contact zone between stock and scion, and not as far as between scions.
That's really simple, stock is the part with the roots, scion is what you graft on a stock.Honestly i don't know what the stock or scion means either.