Grafting.., Will this work ?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm downstairs in the grow room and finally get to harvest this lil 8 1/2" I flowered to see what it would produce..( only 6 grams with the lighting it had ), perhaps I was just 1 toke over the line but I was reading about grafting earlier in the day and so I get this idea that if i could salvage the root system by grafting it may give me a couple weeks head start over cloning..., so I say what the hell and go for it.. nothing fancy..,, just cut that lil sucker off at the ground and got to it..

I placed a wet rag imediately over the stump upon cutting while I prepared 2 Silver Tip shoots and 1 Tatanka.. once I had the shoots in the cuts on the stump, angled so the xylem and phloem cross.., I tightened a noose made from a bread tie around the base clinching the cuts on the stump.
Picture 062.jpg
And naturally, I had no nursery wax so out come the standard white unperfumed candle i had melting that I first painted was on and around the wounds on the stump and shoots and let that cool.. Afterwards i filled the divot I made around the stump with the wax allowing it to run over the grafted area entirely and then covered it with soil.
Picture 041.jpgPicture 040.jpgPicture 046.jpgPicture 051.jpg

So Far so good...,
Picture 061.jpgPicture 064.jpgPicture 066.jpg

Hoping this works.., whatcha think.., any chance and also is it worth the trouble??



Active Member
You came up with this idea and instead of asking if you should, you drove right in and did it! Let's see how well it works out, so far it is looking good. :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
grafting will work if done correctly its used in normal horticulture for roses to make them hardier also used to join 2 diff breeds of fruit trees so you get like red apple and green ones on oppisite sides of the tree
ive also seen videos of mj plants with 8 colas that have been grafted from different breeds

the way i see it is if it works it means you can have alot of tops of diff plants and only have to veg one mother plant

mind not too sure on the technique youve used though


RIU Bulldog
It should work. Ive done it with roses like ^said. The thing that concerns me is that yu covered it in soil. Ive never grafted with mj, but wouldn't it be hard to tell whether the plants just rooted in the soil like a clone instead of grafting to the "stump?"


Well-Known Member
I have recently looked into this but I was trying to graft a MJ plant to a tree cus I mean who wouldn't want a MJ tree but after looking into it I found that it didn't produce THC due to something about the thc production being controlled by the roots, but yeah I think that since your grafting MJ to MJ it should work.


Well-Known Member
SOO..... how did it work out?
Okay, sorry for the delay on this but quite frankly, yepper I called it a sucess, because 2 of the 3 shoots I grafted took, and I also called it a flop as it took just as long if not a bit longer than cloning. So, considering the lack of prep and actual effort as well as thinking of other problems I would more than likely have to deal with down the line , like root bound, and possible root rot, I scrubbed the test after 14 days. Although the 2 that took were healthy, they were just showing signs of new growth. i had a pic somewhere but damned if I could find it.. Sorry bout that and apolgies for droppon the update on this one.